Research of the Week
Ethnic differences in type 2 diabetes—pathology and treatment options.
Feeding dogs once a day linked to healthier dogs.
Mesolithic inhabitants of the Baltic region got around, ranged far from home.
Early farmers got shorter.
The rise of dairy in the steppe.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast Episode 28: Dr. Siggie Shares Solutions for Screentime, Communication, and Managing Emotions
Primal Health Coach Radio: Maiya Keeling
Media, Schmedia
World’s longest hopscotch course.
Fixing agriculture policy is better than lab meat.
Interesting Blog Posts
It was a good idea.
Social Notes
The French are drinking much less wine than ever before.
Everything Else
Organic overhaul goes poorly in Sri Lanka.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Archaic revival: The paw-paw, ancient American fruit.
That’s a shame: Oatly posts a big loss.
As I’d expect: Social isolation increases mortality.
Gorgeous: Ice caves in the Canadian Rockies.
Go green: Living near green areas protects cognitive function.
Question I’m Asking
Got any summer adventures planned?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Apr 30 – May 6)
- Ways to Get Your Electrolytes (That Aren’t Sports Drinks) — How to get them.
- A Fresh Look at High Protein— Protein good.
Comment of the Week
“I’m in Portland Oregon and i took up dragon boat paddling on the Willamette river as it’s the cheapest year round team sport in Portland and a fantastic full body workout.
$23 a month and the club provides life jackets, paddles, boats, coaches, clinics, other off water training like hikes and snowshoeing and it’s fun and a great way to make friends as an adult ?”
-Sounds awesome, Jennifer.
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