It’s been 21 years since Big Brother launched in Australia and a new Seven season, hosted by Sonia Kruger, looks back to its history with returning housemates from previous 10 and Nine seasons.
New and returning housemates will, ranging in age from 22-52, will enter the house throughout the season with the aim of surviving every eviction and living together for 62 days.
Three housemates will be left standing and, in a live Grand Final television event, Australia will vote to determine who deserves to win the $250,000 prize. The first night will see 11 new housemates enter the house, along with four housemates deemed ‘Big Brother Royalty.’
Once a week the housemates will have the power to nominate who they want to be up for eviction. Each week the housemates will vote for one person to hold unprecedented power in the game. Heah of House will be safe from eviction all week. They will also have exclusive access to the HOH Suite with two friends of their choice. The housemates cannot be HOH two weeks running, but they can be HOH multiple times. The HOH will be granted a unique and strategic power during the week, to influence the game and the nominations.
For the first time on Big Brother, the nominated housemates will have a chance to save themselves by competing in a physical challenge in the lead-up to the final eviction each week. Housemates will be confronted with a new set of challenges and surprises every week including Battle Week, Party Week, Hacked Week, and Temptation Week. No week is like the other, meaning the housemates won’t know what’s hit them.

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BB S3 2022.
The new-look house, located at Sydney’s Olympic Park, has new secret rooms: the mainframe, the sewer and two mystery rooms. There’s a new treehouse, a Zen chill-out space for the housemates to grab some downtime. A select few housemates will also get exclusive access to a brand-new upstairs luxury suite.
Here are 19 of the 21 contestants who will feature this season….
Big Brother Royalty
42, NSW
Farmer Dave is known in the Big Brother history as the farmer who came out as gay to his fellow housemates, family and the country on national TV. His charm, charisma and down-to-earth approach made men and women all over Australia fall in love. He placed third in Season 6. Dave returns to the Big Brother house 15 years later with a belief that the show made him into the man he is today, living as the strongest, best version of himself. Going into the house, Dave is adamant that he will not lie, manipulate or backstab anyone. He will give his one hundred percent to challenges, embrace the new game and make lifelong loyal alliances. Dave is still the inspiring, smiling, salt-of-the-earth farmer, who always looks on the positive side of all situations and believes that showing emotion is more than ok. He will be a shoulder to cry on and a constant support to his fellow housemates. A father of four, he is a youth program manager at RuffTRACK: a farm-based youth charity that protects kids, keeping them out of prison and up skilling them for a secure future. It’s his passionate and empathetic work ethic that helps less fortunate and troubled kids transform their lives through the intense program that makes him incredibly proud. Dave currently lives on his farm in the country with his 20+ dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, dwarf goats, alpacas, ducks, goose and a horse. His offsider on the farm is “Jimmy Choo”, a miniature cattle dog who often sleeps with him under the stars in his swag.
33, VIC
Drew made national headlines in Season 10 when he not only stole the heart of fellow housemate, Tully, in one of Australia’s most whirlwind love stories; he also struck up a fierce bromance with Tim. Drew placed fourth in Season 10. In his original season, Drew was known as the stereotypical heartthrob model who was charming, cheeky and loyal. He was also mischievous and a total prankster. His bromance with Tim often got him into trouble, not only with Tully, but with the other housemates too. Drew fell in love with Tully, who was in a same-sex relationship on the outside. They became totally and utterly devoted to each other inside the house. It was his commitment to Tully that made Australia fall in love with him. Returning to the house, eight years later, Drew lives a very different life. He’s not a model anymore but a general manager in a hospitality group. He’s stronger, older and wiser, and is ready to play Big Brother’s game again. He hasn’t watched an episode of the show since leaving, but he’s determined to take out the title and win this time around. Drew believes he has an advantage as he survived the house before and vows to play a more strategic game this time around. Once again Drew is entering the Big Brother house as a single man.
33, QLD
Estelle infamously holds the record for receiving the most nominations in a single night (19 votes). She was best known in Season 9 as the person who polarized her fellow housemates. Estelle was undoubtably regarded as the biggest misfit in Big Brother history due to her unique personality and skater girl meets rapper vibe. Even though Estelle goes down in history tied as the most nominated housemate ever with 89 nominations, Australia fell in love with her resilience, loved her quirks and backed the underdog, saving her from nine evictions. Returning to the house, eight years later, she hasn’t changed a bit. She’s still fiery, still emotionally charged and still fights for the underdogs, but she is still polarising in many people’s eyes and loves to debate any topic with an unfiltered opinion. Estelle loves her four horses and is currently a horse-riding coach, as well as big advocate for animal rights and environmental protection. She spends a lot of time working on projects that protect the oceans, waterways, and broader environmental and social programs. Estelle’s strategy will be the same as it was in 2012: she’s going to be true to herself, despite the consequences, regardless if it makes her popular or not.
34, QLD
Layla is the fun-loving bubbly Brit who burst onto our screens in Season 9, quickly becoming a loveable fan favourite, winning the hearts of Australians by coming in second. An “English Rose” like no other, she was known for her theme tune Oats-a-la-Layla and for her steamy love affair with an intruder Sam Wallace. Eight years after her first time on Big Brother, she is still the loveable, excited, happy-go-lucky lady the nation fell in love with. However, this time, she’s more confident and much stronger. She won’t shy away from conflict. Layla plans to only be her authentic self. Her biggest regret last time was not having a strategy, which she thinks cost her the title. This time, Layla will make friends quickly and orchestrate a tight, indestructible alliance that will take her right to the end. Her day-to-day job is a social worker, apart from Big Brother, she’s also competed on Celebrity Apprentice.
48, QLD
Reggie is a down-to-earth mother of two, who stole the hearts of Australians when she won Big Brother Season 3.
Working at a Tasmanian fish and chip shop, Reggie was adored around the nation for her salt-of-the-earth attitude and true-blue ocker slang. She was a straight shooter. 18 years on, Reggie is determined to give Big Brother another crack and hopefully win it for a second time. She knows that she enters with a target on her back, but she still feels that she can win over the housemates by being herself. Since taking out the title in Season 3, Reggie has been dealt her fair share of ups and downs. Her son was born with cystic fibrosis and her own vision is drastically deteriorating with a condition called retinitis pigmentosa, meaning she currently only has nine degrees of central vision. She likens it to looking through two narrow drinking straws. Reggie knows these things have only made her stronger and resilient. Reggie is returning to Big Brother for her two children and to change her life, one more time!
38, NSW
Tim won Season 10 of Big Brother Australia. He was also on BigBrotherCanada where he was placed third, despite having a target on his back the entire time. Tim made a huge splash last time he was in the house with a mouth bigger than his hair and his love for shit stirring. He was known as one of the most divisive contestants in the show’s history. Currently a disability support care worker, Tim has not changed a bit. He’s still brutally honest and admits he is a little terrified at the lengths he will go to win this new format but assures that he has enough in his little bag of tricks to make it interesting. He’s a master strategist and a cheeky larrikin, he’s regarded as one of the greatest players in Big Brother’s history due to his unique and unpredictable gameplay, even putting himself up for eviction at one point. He wants to be the first person in the history of the game world wide to win Big Brother twice. Tim has also appeared on Celebrity Apprentice, where he was runner-up.
48, NSW
Trevor, known affectionately as “Big Trev”, is famously known in Big Brother history as the first and only Australian to win $1 million dollars when he took out the title in Season 4. He then went on to propose to his now wife, Breea, on national TV. He was last known as a total prankster and fun maker, often tricking and scaring his housemates in order to amuse himself. He’s quick-witted, energetic and up for any chance to dress up and make a fool of himself. Seventeen years since taking out the largest prize money ever handed out on Australian TV, he’s now a proud father of two boys and still happily married to his high school sweetheart. He works in radio on the Gold Coast. Last time around, winning the prize money set him up with a home and foundation. This time around, if he wins, he will use the money to pay off his kids’ school fees and invest in getting a children’s book developed. Currently, he can be heard on air on the Gold Coast’s 102.9 Hot Tomato Drive show. Trevor enters the Big Brother house in 2022 having never been nominated.
34, VIC
Tully blasted into the Big Brother house in Season 10, always wearing her heart on her sleeve. Entering via the halfway house, Tully made it immediately clear that she wasn’t impressed with the poor living conditions. Most famously, Tully is known as the girl who fell in love with fellow housemate Drew – despite having a girlfriend on the outside – committing one of the most talked about relationship betrayals seen on national TV at the time. Known for her fierce attitude, sass and unfiltered opinions, Tully’s experience wasn’t only centred around Drew. She revelled in the highs of Big Brother’s game and developed a ‘sibling rivalry’ with her fellow housemate Tim, who knew exactly how to push her buttons and took great pleasure in doing so. Strong-willed, passionate and big hearted, both then and now, she anticipates running straight back into Big Brother’s arms and continuing their flirtatious yet therapeutic relationship. Eight years on, she’s graduated with a degree in journalism, hosts a hugely popular podcast, Too Much Tully, and works as a social media influencer. She is determined to not let history repeat itself as she is older, wiser, stronger, more calm and more secure. This time around Tully goes into the Big Brother house with a boyfriend on the outside.
New Housemates
24, NSW
This bubbly, carefree and gorgeous girl next door is best known to her friends as “Leish”. She’s a smart, friendly and chatty blonde bombshell who has no problem getting her flirt on to manipulate, deceive and get her own way. She’s not afraid to lie in situations if it means taking out the win. Resilient and extremely savvy with two successful businesses under her belt, Aleisha has always wanted to be on Big Brother. Her forte in the house will be her social game, which she will employ strategically from day one, building on her physical game after assessing the field. Aleisha predicts her secret weapon on Big Brother will be her physical strength. She’s extremely sporty, having travelled internationally while competing in BMX Australia. She’s also a mad Fremantle Dockers fan and has a soft spot for her cavoodle puppy, Lilou.
22, NSW
Gabbie is outgoing and vivacious, but she’s also used to being protected as the youngest in her family. She lives by the motto, “what people don’t know, won’t hurt them”. But don’t be fooled by her innocent girl-next-door vibe, Gabbie is sassy, bold, lively and very feisty. Gabbie is willing to use her charisma, charm and devious ways to have the other housemates eating out of the palm of her hands. Ironically, she hates liars, two-faced people and back stabbers. To Gabbie, confrontation is water off a duck’s back and she will be the first to raise her voice and tell someone to pipe down if she doesn’t like how things are playing out. She has no problem in putting the housemates in their place – royalty or not. Professionally, COVID struck Gabbie’s workforce last year and saw her make a total career change from flight attendant to retail worker. She misses travelling, especially to Bali or any destination where she can be active.
23, WA
Jaycee is an ambitious hip hop artist who oozes swagger, style and confidence. He’s a smart, articulate and charismatic guy who is willing to to charm his way into the house and win people over every day. Standing tall at six foot and one inch, this Jamaican-Australian will happily flirt his way through the Big Brother house. He hopes to use his good looks and good banter to forge his way into a powerful position with all the housemates. Calling himself “the smiling assassin”, he thinks his twinkling smile and cunning mind will help him win the game. Jaycee’s aim is to make strong relationships with the biggest, boldest players; winning challenges and making risky and strategic moves. Working in one of the most competitive industries – music – he’s a quintessential entrepreneur, who will take matters into his own hands while keeping the housemates entertained with his freestyle rapping. No object in the house is safe as he can and will make musical instruments from anything he can find in the house.
27, NSW
A builder by trade and vegan by choice, Joel is a cheeky charmer who believes there isn’t one person he couldn’t win over with his huge positive energy. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Renewable Energy Technologies, he also has a part time position at Bunnings and dabbles in modeling. Joel is a self-described “dream man”, who loves cooking and cleaning. He prides himself on being a perfect boyfriend, boasting he is still friends with all of his exes and their parents. He is aware of the effect he has on women, and he is not shy in using it by flirting up a storm with the ladies, lads or even Big Brother himself. Don’t let the dreamy smile fool you, Joel is a big game player and it’s his competitive nature that will set him apart. He doesn’t like to fail. Joel knows his strength lies in luring people into his inner circle with magnetism and he has no qualms using their strengths and weaknesses as part of his gameplay. Joel goes into the house as a physical threat, due to his strength and fitness, but his biggest weapon is his charming personality. If he can put that to a good use, he believes he will make it to the end.
26, NSW
An alpha male, Johnson is instantly recognisable with his trademark beard and loud booming voice. Always one to stand out from the crowd, there is no missing Johnson, who commands attention wherever he goes. Johnson has an opinion on everything and if he doesn’t have one, he will make sure he develops one. He can often come across as being arrogant and loud, but he also has a fun, playful and goofy side. As a Big Brother superfan, going into the house is a dream come true for Johnson. He will be coming out of the gates strong, wanting to play the game hard from day one. He has an extremely strategic brain and is great with numbers, which he feels will help him stay safe. Never one to give up, Johnson is ambitious and stubborn. Although physically he is not the most fit, Johnson’s competitive nature will keep him going through the challenges until he can’t go any further. A civil engineer on the outside, it’s the logic over emotion approach that Johnson will be taking into the house. He intends on playing an honest game, at least in his eyes.
32, NSW
Josh is a former international model turned house painter, running his own business north of Byron Bay. Each day he wakes up at the crack of dawn, walks his dog Bowie, grabs a coffee and heads out for a surf. When he’s not painting houses, he is very much an outdoors guy who you can find surfing, camping, fishing or taking out his boat. Planning is not his forte, he likes to act on a whim and always goes with the flow. Fiercely independent, Josh prefers to be the lone wolf. He likes to lead and doesn’t like to be told what to do. He also hates waiting around for people. A lover of love, Josh craves constant affection and is open to finding a “housewife” for his time in the house. Josh has no filter, he’s direct and blunt, but he’s also cheeky and gets away with plenty due to his charm and million-dollar smile. Josh has no problem in bluffing his way to the top. He thinks this game of Big Brother will be just like his stint as an international model: hugely successful.
52, NSW
Lara is a 52-year-old single grandmother from regional New South Wales. She’s effervescent, gregarious and most importantly, kind. Lara is a passionate and family-orientated mother of four and grandmother of one. Big Brother quite literally saved Lara’s life. While undertaking the standard medical tests to take part in this season, pre cancer cells were detected in her cervix. After having a small operation, she’s back to being fighting fit and ready to take on Big Brother’s game. Hailing from a strict Greek family, Lara has decided that it’s her time to shine and live out her adult life on her own terms: colourful, wild and adventurous. A hairdresser by profession, she loves looking after others and loves that her job allows her to help people feel beautiful. Lara is single and she believes she’s at the peak of her life but is worried that her flirty nature may get the better of her in the house. After divorcing her husband, she took part in a short class body building competition at the age of 40, just to show that she could, and ended up winning the overall championship. Lara wants to follow in the footsteps of 2021 Big Brother winner SJ and show Australia that older women are strong, capable and can keep up with the young housemates at physical and mental challenges.
39, QLD
Lulu is a five-foot feisty Latino to whom the term “short and sweet” does not apply. On the surface, she’s the epitome of her favourite soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. She’s friendly, cute and very loveable but she can turn in a split second and doesn’t care what people think if they disagree with her. She serves everything with a smile, but be careful of crossing her. Lulu grew up in Brazil where she studied journalism, advertising and marketing; she now works in community services. She met her now husband of 12 years on a holiday in South America. Lulu lives in Brisbane with her husband and two fur babies – Leo and Chester – who are longhaired ginger rescue cats. She dreams of being the star on a famous soap opera and, given she’s already been an extra on a Brazilian program, she wants to hit the big league soon. Give this girl a karaoke machine and she’s the life of the party. Lulu always brings the highest energy to all situations.
41, VIC
Melanie is always a whirlwind of the highest energy. She’s fabulous and totally frenetic. Her happiness is contagious; she makes people feel like their best selves in her orbit. Mel’s unfiltered, loud and intense personality can put people off at first, but her confidence in her own skin makes her one to watch. She was a flight attendant before the pandemic and is currently working as a receptionist where she endlessly communicates with strangers every day. Mel believes there is no person she can’t “wear down” to eventually like her. Through her pure determination and persistence, she believes she can win over any cold heart. Mel goes into the Big Brother house to kill people with kindness and is a self-confessed people pleaser. She hopes this will keep her under the radar and in everyone’s good graces and that she doesn’t end up irritating other housemates. Mel is fit and active with a fierce can-do attitude. She’s a hype girl and will use her height and strength in physical challenges. She will always be the loudest cheerleader on the sidelines.
32, QLD
Sam is a sensual, self-assured intimacy coach. She helps couples explore their own sexuality and sexual needs.
Sam has an opinion on everything, ranging from climate change to burnt toast. She’s not one to keep her thoughts to herself; in fact she could be described as outspoken and confrontational. As a born leader, she won’t tolerate being told what to do, particularity by a fellow woman. She’s drawn to men, can be quite the seductress and isn’t afraid to use her sexuality to get what she wants. Sam is single and ready to mingle. She hopes that Big Brother will be the perfect matchmaker for her.
34, NSW
Taras is a quirky, slightly eccentric man who is completely comfortable in his own skin. He never adheres to social norms and breaks stereotypes of how men should be and behave. A successful creative in the music scene, he writes music for the band Sticky Fingers and is a multi-instrumentalist in his own band, The Lulu Raes. Taras is also a music teacher. Taras lives an active lifestyle including daily meditations, practicing yoga, snorkeling and lifting weights. He has a firm strategy in place: he’ll gather intelligence on the housemates first and then align himself to the strongest players while not alienating the weaker competitors. Finally, he will play challenges to the best of his ability. He is happy to manipulate and use gathered information to stay in the game, protecting himself first. A superfan of the American Survivor, Taras is in awe of the gameplay and challenges that the competitors undertake. He’s inspired to bring that high level to Australian TV. People often underestimate Taras and he will use that to his advantage by playing a sneaky game and making big moves that no one will expect.
7:30pm Monday – Wednesdays on Seven.