Vital Features For Online Tutor App Development
Online tutor app development is a must-have phenomenon for educational institutes. Since the widespread use of smartphones and digital devices has become common, people are more often using mobile applications for accomplishing their routines. Digitalization has impacted the world with a positive attitude, and the education sector has experienced gigantic growth after digital medium adoption. After the pandemic, the education sector circulated its offerings with the help of educational apps. Mobile applications were the only medium with which to circulate learning materials during the pandemic.
As the pandemic has forced everyone to maintain social distancing, educational institutions have adopted digital platforms to operate teaching sessions. After including mobile apps and software, education sectors have experienced a gigantic acceleration. Various learners and tutors have shifted toward digital platforms rather than a physical classroom.
A Huge Shift Toward Educational And Online Tutor Apps
After the pandemic, the masses have turned to digital platform adoption. Online tutor apps and other educational apps are gaining a huge number of users due to the number of features and their ease of accessibility.
Digitalization Has Accelerated The eLearning Industry
The stats say that:
- The global eLearning market size will touch $650 billion by 2025.
- In the US alone, the market for corporate eLearning could cross $38 billion by 2024.
- Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality will be the key driver of eLearning in the future.
- Corporates save up to 60% in time by switching to eLearning.
After seeing its colossal reach, most educational institutions adopted education app development as an integral requirement of the era. Those who are associated with the educational domain should adopt digital media and integrate the latest features that users seek in the online tutor application.
Major Features That Should Be Accessible In Every Online Tutor App
Multiple features should be integrated into the online tutor application to give it an edge in the competitive era. Being a business owner in the educational domain, one can integrate the features mentioned below into their online tutor application.
1. Seamless Login And Sign-Up
Maximum downloads and impressive user engagement are the end goal of any owner adopting a mobile application to launch their business. The first and foremost thing is to grab the user’s attention with a simple login and sign-up process. Because the easier it is to log in/sign in, the more likely a user is to use the app.
The time is past when there could be complexities in the login and sign-up sections. When the user enters the application, they don’t want any complexities at the beginning. It is suggested that this process be made easier for users so that they don’t get stuck at the start. There are various options to make this process easy. Facebook and Google sign-ups can help the user to make their sign-up process fast and unlock the in-app content.
2. Smart Search Option
To deploy the exact solution for your users, giving them the right entry path is mandatory. Once you successfully put them on the right path, your users won’t have any difficulty using the application. Smart search is one of the options that app owners should include in their applications. Through smart search, the user can get to the place where they want to be.
In an online tutor application, the search option can set the user on the right path. Implement a smart search with the right selection of keywords. Integrate the basic functionalities into the application so that the user can get the exact learning material in simple searches. This will lead learners to the simplest way to develop their search and find what they are looking for.
3. Engaging Assessments
Online tuition mobile application is the best platform to yield engagement. You may be thinking, how can an eLearning platform be interactive? An eLearning platform can be interactive if it indulges in some quizzes and interactive learning games. There could be eBooks that provide users with an interactive way to deal with the application.
The tests can sometimes be boring, but to avoid this, gamification can come into play. Introduce some gamification elements with the test so that users want to come again and again to use the application and repeat the test. This will happen if you use features like tracking the test, revision trackers, or some kind of reward functionality. By including these elements, users will be able to interact with your app.
4. Offline Access
Learning has no boundaries. Many giant apps in the market provide offline service access processes because no matter what the business model is and what the service offerings are, the internet is not available everywhere. But learning should be available in every place.
Various other applications like Netflix and YouTube provide users offline accessibility. Users can also download videos and watch them later in offline mode. This is how eLearning apps or online tuition apps should be and have this feature of offline accessibility so that students can download the lectures or notes and study them later.
5. Top Courses
Listing top courses on the home page is a smart idea to attract more eyes. Presenting top courses on the home page can give students a broad idea of what the app is best suited for and the learning behavior of the users. While listing the courses in your online tuition mobile application, list those courses that are adding value and should be diversified.
Udemy is one of the examples where this section can be seen clearly. This has boosted the content repository and the number of total users. When you offer the total amount of courses and value in one place, you are able to attract more users.
6. Multiple Learning Channels
eLearning applications can provide multiple learning channels. With the help of mobile applications, the learner can access multiple mediums, be its video lectures, notes, MCQs, etc. Learners aren’t bound by any restrictions of learning channels. Including this feature can give people broader access to using the application’s content.
7. Learn From Where You Left Off
Like the shopping cart where you can save your selected item and return to it later for the final buy, the same method has been extended to education mobile app development. The learner must have the feature where they have access later to the same section in the video lecture where they left off. This sounds easy to accomplish but can take a lot of technical effort to implement.
8. Instructive Log
This feature sets the boundaries where the learner can get live interactions and instructions from the instructor. The app can offer this feature, where the user can interact directly with the instructor or discuss a topic or join in the discussion/lecture and discuss ideas. Users can put queries to the teachers and can get live answers to the questions. This is not only for the user or students but also for the teachers, who can post questionnaires and ask students for answers between classes. This feature of the online tuition app can provide an extra edge for learning and interaction.
Building an online tuition application can give vast benefits to users and entrepreneurs. The education industry is rapidly adopting digitalization and powering forward with the help of digital features and richness. Consult a top eLearning app development company, discuss your idea and the features that you want to integrate into the application, and join the race to become a success in the educational domain.