Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly seem to be hell-bent on securing the title of Hollywood’s Weirdest Couple.
They’re both thirty-something parents and millionaires, so they should probably be past the point in their lives where they care about such meaningless designations, but for whatever reason, these two are really gunning for that number one spot on the weirdness charts.
Shortly after word of their relationship went public, Megan and MGK gave an interview in which they talked about their shared obsessions with guns, blood and addiction.
And they’ve stuck with that tiresome schtick ever since.
In a more recent interview, Megan opened up about how she and MGK enjoy drinking one another’s blood.
“When I do it, it’s a passage or it is used for a reason. And it is controlled where it’s like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it,'” the actress said.
“He [MGK]’s much more haphazard and hectic and chaotic, where he’s willing to just cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, ‘take my soul.’”
While that sounds like a fun and not at all terrifying way to spend an evening (sarcasm, folks), many people have taken to social media to point out to Megan and the Machine that blood-letting and -drinking can be very dangerous activities.
And now, the gory couple is receiving cautionary advice from a man who knows whereof he speaks.
Belfazaar Ashantison is the co-founder of The New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA) and organizer of the Endless Night Vampire Ball, America’s largest annual gathering of the thirsty undead.
He recently spoke to TMZ about MegGK’s habit of sinking their fangs into one another, and he reminded them of the importance of safe blood-drinking habits.
Father Ashantinson, as he’s known to his minions, is a blood-drinker himself, but he says he only sips the life-giving fluid of other humans under the very safest conditions.
The famous vampire says he got to know his current donor for six months before he started drinking their blood.
He also cautions Megan and MGK that blood should only be drawn by a licensed professional.
Fox and Kelly didn’t explicitly say that they don’t have a nurse on hand during their rituals, but something about MGK’s “chaotic” and “hectic” method of spilling his own red stuff tells us that it’s not happening in a sterile environment.
To each their own, of course, but Father Ashantinson is right about the danger that’s involved in this sort of ritual.
Megan and MGK draw a lot of comparisons to other “conventionally hot female/heavily-tattooed chaos goblin male” relationships, such as Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson, and Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker.
But it’s important to bear in mind that your relationship can be “alt” or whatever without descending to the level of weird middle school grossness.
We know that as a former rapper, MGK is still relatively new to the world of punk rock, but maybe someone should let him know that blood rituals are really more of a goth thing.