This why you can’t be on everybody’s bed, chile. According to BBC, half of the single men in the UK admitted to changing their sheets once every four whole months.
Out of 2,250 people surveyed in the UK, almost half of the single men who participated stated that they don’t wash their linen for up to four months at a time. Only 12% said they wash sooner, if they remember.
As for as single women, they changed their sheets more often with 62% washing their linen every two weeks. Couples stated they changed their bedding once every three weeks.
As you should know, sweat and dead skin can be found in your sheets. If you don’t wash your linen on a regular basis, that could pose a problem. Dr Lindsay Browning, a chartered psychologist, stated:
Sweat goes into the sheets making them not only smell disgusting but also become quite clogged up.
Browning continued to say:
If you don’t wash your bedsheets enough, your dead skin cells are going to build up in these sheets.
While Browning did say that we sweat less in the winter and “we can be slightly more forgiving” during the season, she still emphasized the importance of washing your sheets once a week no matter the season.
A few people also said they aren’t that dirty because they shower at night, but Browning says that’s not true.
And you’re still going to bed with slightly dirty hands, the same breath coming out of your mouth.
For those who wait two weeks to wash their linen, she stated “you’re getting into not so great territory.”
Roomies, what’s y’all take on this?