I don’t think we really needed the Rams to make a draft hyper video for an event they don’t even have a first round pick in, but I also love that they did it. If you needed more evidence that the Rams have gone full Hollywood after their move from St. Louis, here’s “On The Clock,” a fake movie trailer the team made about stealing the draft.
I don’t really know what it means to “steal the draft,” but I’m not complaining because this is all so dumb and hilarious. The Rams really sank some money into this by hiring Josh Holloway to play Les Snead, Scott Eastwood as Sean McVay, Tyrese Gibson to help run the heist — and without a doubt the funniest of them all: Dennis Quaid as Stan Kroenke.
I love this because Snead and McVay are legitimately good looking dudes, so it’s not completely preposterous to imagine an actor playing them. Kroenke, on the other hand, looks like someone taped the hair found under a barber’s stool to an old bladder of white wine removed from the box and left in the sun for three weeks.
Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images
They didn’t need to do this to poor Dennis Quaid.
Overall I’m a big fan of this video, because the NFL is inherently dumb and overblown, so when anyone makes fun of how overwrought the draft is, it’s brilliant.