In this week’s Practical Ed Tech Newsletter I included a video in which I simultaneously displayed my Android phone’s screen and iPad’s screen on my Windows desktop. A few folks have emailed me to ask how I did that. If you’re curious about the process I used, here it is. The Problem
My usual method of mirroring my phone screen to my computer is to use Airserver. However, I can only mirror one device at a time through Airserver. To make a video in which the screens of two devices were shown simultaneously, I needed to either do some laborious editing or figure out a way to mirror two devices that the same time.
The Solution
In order to show the screens of two devices at the same time, I had to install a second screen mirroring program that could run at the same time as Airserver without causing a conflict. The solution was to use Vysor.
Vysor is a program that I’ve used in the past to use an Android phone as a document camera. With Vysor lets you mirror a phone to a PC or Mac via USB cable. That means that it can run at the same time as Airserver and it doesn’t conflict with it.
Making the Video
To make the video I then mirrored my iPad’s screen to my PC via Airserver and mirrored my Android phone’s screen to my PC via Vysor. Then I recorded both screens in the same frame by using Screencast-o-matic on my desktop.