Home Education Lesson of the Day: ‘The Long Scourge of Lead Poisoning’

Lesson of the Day: ‘The Long Scourge of Lead Poisoning’


Featured Article: “The Long Scourge of Lead Poisoning” by Ellen Gabler

The use of lead dates all the way back to ancient Rome. But despite the fact that the dangers of lead exposure are well known today, lead poisoning continues to be an epidemic in the United States.

In this lesson, you will learn about several key moments in the history of lead use. Then, you will study data to see how people in the United States are still affected by lead exposure.

What do you know about lead? Have you heard the word used in reference to paint, pencils or building materials? Lead is a toxic, metallic element. It is bluish-white when freshly cut but tarnishes quickly to dull gray.

Do you know about the dangers of lead exposure? Children, who are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults, often do not have symptoms, but lead can still cause delays in physical and mental development. High levels of lead can damage organs and nervous system.

Watch this four-minute video from UNICEF about the history of lead use. As you watch, respond to these two questions:

The featured article uses 11 key vocabulary words. Do you recognize any of the words on the list below? Could you use any of them in a sentence?

1. scourge
2. elevate
3. persist
4. vessel
5. durability
6. resistance
7. ban
8. stress
9. claim
10. appeal
11. hazard

To learn all of the meanings and practice using the words, use this list on Vocabulary.com.

Read the article below, or as a PDF, then answer the following questions:

1. How do lead exposure and poisoning affect young people today?

2. What were the causes of lead poisoning in Roman cities?

3. Why were artists like Rembrandt and Goya in danger?

4. When did people become more aware of the harms of lead paint? What actions were taken internationally?

5. How was lead paint addressed in the United States historically? What about in the present day?

In the full-length version of the piece you just read, “How 2 Industries Stymied Justice for Young Lead Paint Victims,” Ellen Gabler investigates how housing and insurance companies have avoided taking responsibility for exposing children to lead.

Look at the two graphs below, which are taken from the article. They show how much lead appears in the blood of American children. After looking closely at the title, summary and each graph of the article, respond to the questions below.

  • What is your reaction to the two graphs?

  • How do the graphs relate to the article you read?

  • What do the graphs make you wonder?

Now, learn about how this issue affects your community. Explore this resource from PolicyMap that allows you to look at the relative risk of exposure to lead across the United States between 2015 and 2019.

  • What do you notice about the risk of lead exposure in your town or city?

  • How does it compare with nearby towns or cities? What might account for the differences?

  • Compare the rate of risk in your state to another state or area. What do you notice? Why do you think there are similarities or differences between states or regions?

If you’re worried about lead in your community, you can learn about the common places that lead is found and what you can do about it in this guide from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Want more Lessons of the Day? You can find them all here.


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