Home Business This Mac Bundle Is A One-Stop Shop For Apps

This Mac Bundle Is A One-Stop Shop For Apps


Those who have used Apple’s ecosystem rarely return to something else. Whether it’s your Apple laptop, iPhone, or tablet, Apple and Mac have combined for a popular, user-friendly product that has and will stand the test of time.

If there are any complaints about Macs, it’s they can be overwhelming to new users. And in some cases, their dense list of programs and features can be somewhat daunting to locate and use.

To unleash the full power and gain a better understanding of all that your Mac is capable of doing, look no further than the Mac Madness App Bundle. For a limited time, it’s available for just $19.99. That’s a savings of 73$ from its MSRP ($74).

Watch this video.

Fourteen courses are included in this bundle. Individually on their own, some courses cost up to $7.99. The courses in this bundle will give you enough information to turn your Mac into a working powerhouse through its many lessons aimed at increasing productivity through apps.

Do you have a smart home fitted with the latest trends in lighting technology? Well, the Lights Switch course teaches you how to control compatible lights right from your computer.

Are you a photographer who has an endless catalog of photos stored on your computer? If so, then you are all too familiar with how overwhelming locating metadata from pictures can be. The Photos Metadata Export course teaches users how to make that task exponentially easier through the use of lists and Excel. The Folder Organizer helps users organize their files and folders so that they can enjoy a clean and clear desktop.

For music lovers, there’s an AVR Control course, and those who routinely travel for work will find the ReceiptBox extremely helpful in keeping up with their out-of-town expenses.

This bundle is a one-stop-shop for Mac productivity. Purchase it today while it’s available at its limited-time price.

Prices subject to change.


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