Home Entertainment Cam Newton Trends Following Recent Comments About Women

Cam Newton Trends Following Recent Comments About Women


Whew! NFL baller Cam Newton is trending after he shared comments about women on a recent episode of  ‘Million Dollaz Worth of Game.’ While speaking with Gille Da Kid & Wallo, Cam discussed how he believes women should act based on how his mother acted during his upbringing. Cam got candid and explained, “I had a perfect, a perfect example of what a man was in my life by my father. My parents have been together for 36, 37 years now, and it’s a beautiful thing.” However, things took an interesting turn when he talked about the women of today’s generation.

“I grew up in a three-parent household. My mom, my father, and my grandmother. And I knew what a woman was. Not a bad b***h,” he told Gillie. Gille asked Cam what the difference was between a woman and what Cam described. “A bad bi***h is a person who’s just, you know, ‘Girl, I’m a bad bi***h, I’m doing this, I’m doing that.’ I look the part, but I don’t act the part.”  As Cam continued, he said, There’s a lot of women who are bad bi****s.”

The free agent made it clear that he wasn’t saying it in a way to degrade a woman, but he based his words on the aesthetic of what women deem is a boss chick, he continued. Before the segment ended, the former Carolina Panther player added his last two cents on the topic, further saying, “Now a woman for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs. Right? And I think a lot of times when you get that aesthetic of ‘I’m a boss bi***. Imma this, Imma that.’ No baby! But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet! You don’t know how to allow a man to lead.”

Roommates, what do y’all think of Cam’s comments?

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