Home Tv Shows This Is Us Round Table: Whose Side Were You On About Jack Jr?

This Is Us Round Table: Whose Side Were You On About Jack Jr?


Toby and Kate’s marriage began to unravel after Jack escaped the house and hurt himself.

In a tension-filled hour, little Jack escaped, the ceiling caved in, and Toby and Kate had their biggest fight yet.

Our This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11 Round Table team discusses who we think was right, Rebecca’s lucidity during the crisis, and whether Kevin and Randall should have stepped in.

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Was Kate right to lash out at Toby for not closing the gate properly after she’d reminded him a million times to listen for the click?

Christine: Yes and no. She’d reminded Toby several times about the gate. Locking a gate with any toddler is vitally important, but even more so with Jack.

However, the house was in such chaos at the time that it’s not difficult to see how Toby made this mistake.

But Toby and Kate had argued over this before, and given the heightened emotions over almost losing Jack, it’s no surprise that Kate was furious Toby hadn’t taken a moment to make sure the gate was locked.

Laura: As Christine mentioned, this was something Kate had reminded Toby about numerous times, and they’d fought about it before, so it’s understandable that Kate would be angry.

However, everything went wrong that day, so it’s understandable that mistakes could happen, and thankfully Jack was okay.

Jack: Yeah, I thought Kate was lashing out because of her fear over almost losing Jack. She had repeatedly reminded Toby to listen for the click, but Toby was in a rush because so much was going on.

Although Kate and Toby didn’t think Rebecca was capable of watching the kids anymore, she was the one who realized Jack had gone to the park and found him. Will this affect anything going forward? Do you want it to?

Christine: Just because Rebecca has lucid moments for long stretches doesn’t make their decision wrong. As we saw at the hospital, Rebecca could not recall basic information for the forms.

That doesn’t make Rebecca useless, but it does mean she shouldn’t be the only adult in charge of watching the kids.

Laura: I feel for Rebecca. It’s hard to feel useless, but this is a regular day where she has some lucid moments and some forgetful ones.

It’s wonderful that she paid attention to her grandson and his attention to his shoes during the lucid ones, so she figured out where he went, though.

Jack: I agree that Rebecca shouldn’t watch the kids without backup. But I thought the whole situation with Jack could have been avoided if Rebecca had been allowed to stay in his room with him while Toby was moving the mattress.

Kate accused Toby of seeing only Jack’s limitations, while Toby accused Kate of refusing to see them at all. Who did you agree with more and why?

Christine: They both have valid points, but I lean toward Kate’s point of view. The more empowered Jack feels, even at this age, the better off he’ll be throughout his life.

That said, Toby is right that Jack has limitations that need to be addressed, but I think Kate is doing a great job of acknowledging those while still making sure Jack can have a full and independent life.

Laura: That was such a heated argument. I understood both points, but I also leaned more towards Kate’s point of view. It’s important that Jack learn to be empowered and independent at a young age, and Kate is doing a great job.

Jack: I agreed more with Kate as well. Toby has never been comfortable with Jack’s blindness, and Kate is doing her best to give Jack the confidence he needs to live a full life. I don’t think teaching Jack how to unlock a door at this young age was a good idea, so I did agree with Toby on that point.

Should Kevin and Randall have gotten involved with Kate and Toby’s argument?

Christine: No! Unless a situation turns abusive or dangerous, always stay out of a married couple’s fight.

Toby and Kate were hashing things out. Doing so loudly and in front of the entire neighborhood may not have been ideal, but there was no reason for Kevin to jump in the middle, and it was easy to see why Toby felt ganged up on by the Big 3.

Laura: I’m torn on this. The Big 3 has always protected each other, especially Kate.

Kevin and Randall felt that Toby was getting in her face too much. I don’t think they should’ve gotten involved, but I do think it’s what protective brothers do.

Jack: Kevin is too quick to jump in to protect Kate, and I think that made things worse. Randall was trying to diffuse the situation after Toby got frustrated with Kevin, and he did look like he might take a swing at Kevin, so I can’t blame Randall for that.

Discuss anything not covered above.

Christine: The child actor who played Jack could not have been cuter or more amazing. Every time I saw him with his red boots and cane, I was an emotional mess.

Also, this was Miguel and Rebecca’s anniversary, but the episode focused on the destruction of Toby and Kate’s marriage. I hope we get an installment that focuses on Rebecca and Miguel soon because that’s a story I can’t wait to watch.

Laura: I agree with Christine on both accounts. The child actor playing toddler Jack is so cute! I also was disappointed we didn’t get much about Rebecca and Miguel, except for the creepy doll reference.

Jack: I agree too! I was so impressed with the kid who plays Jack. That was a lot of heavy stuff for such a young child, and he was adorable on top of it.

What was your favorite scene, quote, or storyline from this week’s This Is Us?

Christine: I loved Rebecca realizing what a pivotal moment it was for her kids to have been left alone and come to one another’s aid.

Even when they were little, she could see that it would be a bond they’d carry for the rest of their lives.

Laura: I loved the parallel of Rebecca realizing what a pivotal moment it was for the little Big 3 to band together and seeing her adult children come together to support Kate in her time of need. Just like a week ago, I said we’d been lacking in Big 3 moments, so this made me so happy.

Jack: I loved Rebecca and Jack’s attempt at a night out! Drunk Rebecca was hilarious, and it was interesting for Jack to be the one who was being more cautious about his alcohol use.

Your turn, This Is Us fanatics. Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know your answers to these questions!

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This Is Us airs on NBC on Tuesdays at 9 PM EST / PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.


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