Home News Ukraine deploys ‘kamikaze drones’ to turn tables on Russian Army ‘Can explode on impact’ | World | News

Ukraine deploys ‘kamikaze drones’ to turn tables on Russian Army ‘Can explode on impact’ | World | News


Ukrainian servicemen have been using deadly disposable kamikaze drones on Russian troops in their latest bid to end the invasion. CNN’s Tom Foreman described the top-of-the-range drones as light, disposable, and backpack-sized. Russia has been invading Ukraine for over five weeks and NATO-allied countries have been sending Ukraine’s army top-of-range military equipment and supplies to help slow the Russian onslaught on their country. Military analyst Cedric Leighton said the new weapons play a significant “psychological” role in the war.

Mr Leighton said: “The terror aspect of these weapons is a significant psychological factor on the battlefield.”

Mr Foreman added: “Unlike massive military drones which fly hundreds of miles an hour over vast distances, often to drop missiles and return home.

“Loitering munition drones are small slow and disposable, the SwitchBlade 300 for example, weighs less than six pounds.

“And can be carried in a backpack, launch quickly and easily, it will cruise at 60mph for fifteen minutes whilst onboard cameras and GPS hunt for nearby enemy assets.

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Speaking about long-range weapons, Ukrainian engineer Eugene Bulatsev told the Times:  “This is the cheapest and easiest way to deliver a punch from a long distance, without risking civilian lives.”

Speaking to Sky News about the use of weaponry, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “We’ve seen footage we can’t verify but we’ve seen footage of Ukrainians using UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to attack petrol train convoys, to go after logistical lines, we’ve seen lines blown up, all the things you and I think of when it comes to resistance.”

Mr Wallace described the Ukrainians as having a “very clever plan” for the war.

Despite the Ukrainians having a military imbalance compared to the Russian military, the Ukrainians have relied on NATO supplied weapons and help to try and solve the divide in war resources.


European and NATO-aligned countries have been scrambling to give weapons to Ukraine.

Finland decided to get involved by sending a massive shipment of up to 2,500 assault rifles, which included 150,000 bullets and ammunition for guns.

Spain agreed to send Ukraine up to 1,370 anti-tank grenade launchers, and Norway also sent more anti-tank weapons.

The UK has also decided to give up 4,000 anti-tank missiles to the Ukrainian war effort.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky could be asking for more in the future, as peace talks have continued in Turkey this week, but there is still no clear agreement between the neighbouring countries to completely end the war.


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