Home Tv Shows The Resident Round Table: Compelling Cases, Conrad’s Grief, & Billie and Trevor Closure!

The Resident Round Table: Compelling Cases, Conrad’s Grief, & Billie and Trevor Closure!


Conrad and AJ passionately fought for a patient near and dear to them.

And Bell did the same against the board on The Resident Season 5 Episode 16. Also, we got some emotional closure for Billie and Trevor.

Join TV Fanatics Carissa Pavlica, Leora W., and Laura Nowak as they discuss it all.

The Resident Round Table Art

What would you grade this installment, and why?

Carissa: I’d give it an A. It was the little things.

Watching KitBell in the morning with their massive windows and backyard in view, how careful he was with the girl who testified at the board meeting, how Conrad and AJ struggled with grief, and that the episode touched, in one episode, on how the system is set up to protect their own at the expense of everyone else.

Leora W: B or B-. It was good, but not great.

There were some issues which I’m sure we’ll get into later. I liked Bell’s storyline a lot, though I kept expecting something bad to happen because he wouldn’t use a cane. The Eliza storyline and the Aaron storyline were interesting, but they had their problems.

Laura: I’d give it an A. There were so many little moments, as Carissa mentioned, with Kitbell’s morning moments, Devon and Billie working together, Billie and Trevor having an emotional breakthrough. It was packed with character development.

What are your thoughts on Devon and Billie treating Eliza and how they handled her depression?

Carissa: That was very cool. Having read her work made them persist in finding a treatment that would work. You can’t have one of the foremost experts in depression treatment on your doorstep with death on her mind without trying to help.

Leora W: I like how they addressed depression as a real thing that isn’t just someone not feeling well.

I have some issues with the cure. That treatment is extremely experimental, and there were many other things they would have tried before even considering going that route. Could it work? Maybe. But that’s assuming she even has it.

Then there’s the fact that the recovery support etc., was all covered by her insurance, which doesn’t happen for most people, especially people with the sort of issues she has.

It seemed a little fantastical. I liked how they portrayed the problem, but I didn’t like how simple and easy they showed the solution.

Laura: That was interesting. It showed that everyone could suffer from depression. It was fun watching Billie and Devon work together as a team on this kind of case.

Do you appreciate that the series still addresses Conrad’s grief?

Carissa: Of course. It’s never going to go away.

It will fade, but as Conrad and Gigi have seminal moments, that grief will reemerge in varying degrees. Conrad is dating. That’s a trigger. Gigi is growing more every day, and that alone would be enough to remind him of Nic. I appreciate how it’s expressed.

Leora W: I did enjoy that aspect of the story. Nic is missed, and she should be. We don’t want to feel like now that all this time has passed, she’s just forgotten.

Laura: I appreciate that it’s addressed in a very organic way. I like that Conrad and AJ can discuss grief, and it’s changed the way they relate to each other.

Discuss Pastor Aaron’s horrific case and Conrad and AJ’s determination to save him.

Carissa: Isn’t it amazing that Matt Czruchy and Malcolm-Jamal Warner can make us believe they’ve known and loved Pastor Aaron, whom we have never even met? I buy into it every time.

If there’s one thing we know about them, they don’t like charlatans. AJ was so clever in getting that doctor to give him the same analysis as Aaron.

I just hope they don’t stop at scaring the bejesus out of him. I simply cannot believe that the guy wouldn’t get sanctioned. Medicine is as evil as other big businesses and the government. It’s depressing.

Leora W: His case was terrifying and eye-opening. It probably happens all the time in real life, making me sick and a little scared. I like that both AJ and Conrad connected with Aaron, though they often connect with their patients.

I was a little surprised that AJ had a relationship with the pastor and reached out to him for spiritual help since they say that he is a Buddhist in that very scene.

My main issues with how they handled the episode are a) AJ confronting the doctor, which was slightly satisfying but not necessary, realistic, or smart if they want to stop this doctor from doing what he’s doing; there are better ways to handle it and b) Conrad and AJ constantly explaining the situation to each other like they didn’t both already understand what was going on.

I get that it was done for the audience’s sake, but it might have been better if they had been explaining it to a third party such as Aaron or one of his flock. Having them tell each other felt unrealistic.

Laura: As Carissa said, it was fascinating how we felt like we knew Paster Aaron for years, and that’s props to the writers and the cast. I loved how AJ went after that doctor.

It’s so depressing that Aaron got a fake diagnosis which made his health worse, and I’m relieved AJ/Conrad did what they could.

Are you relieved Bell convinced the board to hear Emily out? How do you think this will impact his dynamic with the other board members?

Carissa: He’s doing what he can. Eventually, it might make a difference. He has to keep pushing for the tide to turn, or else he’s back where he started, and he’s come too far for that.

The woman sitting next to the main dude looked a little shocked, and it’s possible it affected her. I want to think that at least one of them heard what Emily said.

Leora W: I am, but I’m not sure they will help her. They said they would at the moment, but she was in the room. They may dismiss the case once she’s gone, not to mention crackdown on Bell’s behavior.

I hope they help her. I want Bell to make a difference. I’m just not convinced that all these doctors would do a 180 from one conversation, as touching as it was.

That said, Bell’s arc was probably my favorite of the episode.

I did keep expecting his leg to make things go south in the meeting. It was like Chekov’s leg, and I was expecting a bigger payoff for his ego than light teasing and him acquiescing. I was relieved and surprised by how they handled it.

Laura: Bell is doing what he can. It appeared Emily’s story touched a few people, but I’m cautiously optimistic since the board seems stuck in its ways.

What was your favorite moment from the hour?

Carissa: The early morning scene with Kit and Bell discussing the day and just being a couple. I love it.

Leora W: That’s a good one, Carissa. I liked that too, but I think my favorite was Billie and Trevor at the end. It was minor but touching. I’ll miss Trevor, but good for him doing what will make him happy.

Laura: I agree on both of those.

Is there anything else you’d like to address?

Leora W: I missed Leela this episode. And is she officially doing the egg thing? Devon made it sound like she was, but that was left pretty up in the air in the last episode.

Laura: If Trevor goes into drug development and research, how will they keep him relevant on the show? I really appreciated how his and Billie’s relationship evolved, especially in that final scene. They both craved love and acceptance.

Over to you, Resident Fanatics! Do you agree with us? Sound off below.

The Resident airs Tuesdays on FOX.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.


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