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Blockchain Technology In Online Learning


Blockchain Technology In Online Learning

One of the enterprises empowered by blockchain technology is online learning. Nowadays institutions and a variety of third-party suppliers are a part of the educational training sector. Blockchain technology assists in safeguarding and protecting this new model of education. To improve the quality of educational processes and products there are a few considerations and opportunities that are important for online instructors, schools delivering online education, and private sector blockchain development. In this article, we will learn about how blockchain technology can improve online learning.

What Is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain is a technology that provides a system of recording information in a way that makes the recorded information impossible to change, hack or check within the system. Blockchain technology is essentially a digital ledger transaction that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

Blockchain Adds Value To Online Learning

Blockchain technology transformed online learning. Here we are sharing how the use of blockchain is valuable in online learning.

1. Store Data And Track It

Blockchain technology saves and stores information in batches called blocks. The blocks are linked with each other together in a chronological fashion to form a parallel line. If data is saved once it is not changeable or cannot be rewritten. However, you can change the stored block. For example, X changed to Y at a particular time. Blockchain technology has a non-destructive approach to tracking data changes over time.

2. Credentials And Digital Badges

When we talk about how blockchain technology improves online learning, one of the ways is through the creation of secure digital badges and certificates that can be readily verified and displayed on digital platforms:

  1. There are many organizations like Rosetta Stone, Google, Udacity, Kaplan University, and Hootsuite partnered with Accredible for the certification programs founded in 2013. Accredible provides committed paperless, one-click digital blockchain-based credential verification and integrates with a large variety of digital tools and systems.
  2. Another platform is Edgecoin which also offers blockchain-based smart certifications and digital credentials. Edgecoin Pay offers a secure web-based dashboard for educational institutions to develop, maintain, and issue blockchain-based credentials like transcripts, diplomas, mark sheets, and certificates.

3. Cryptocurrency In Education As Rewards

What happens if you receive bitcoins when you complete your studies? Of course, you feel surprised, because bitcoin is not a small thing to offer as a reward. This can motivate students and learners to finish the curriculum quickly.

4. Decentralized eLearning Platforms

Blockchain offers decentralized educational platforms. These platforms are maintained by consensus rather than by a central authority. Blockchain technology makes a peer-to-peer learning experience possible. It also encourages standardization across educational establishments. We can consider the possibility of sharing a platform that no single educator owns exclusively.

Blockchain And Online Learning Are A Powerful Combination

Yes, of course, blockchain and the education sector together are a powerful combination. Blockchain technology in eLearning improves the quality of the institutions and the education offered. It increases the use of smart techniques.

Hurdles For Blockchain Technology In The Education Sector

For blockchain technology in the education sector to grow more, there are many hurdles for the trainers and institutions. Nearly 50% of higher education respondents in a Gartner survey cited a lack of interest in using blockchain technology. The following are the main hurdles [1]:

  1. Security
  2. Scalability
  3. Adoption rate
  4. Cost

1. Security

Security is one of the major concerns everywhere. In the blockchain, sensitive information is stored in blocks. Institutions have to think about what data they store and why. Educational institutions need to implement strong data security. This security can be enhanced by permission blockchain and by encrypting the data on the blockchain. Schools and institutions need to improve their security with blockchain development.

2. Scalability

Scalability is another hurdle for the use of blockchain technology in eLearning. Educational institutions possess a huge amount of data on their students and alumni. This creates scalability problems with blockchain technology. When the amount of data increases, the number of blocks also increases. Just because of the large number of blocks the speed of transactions slows down, as all transactions require peer-to-peer verification.

3. Adoption Rate

Right now the adoption of blockchain-based certifications is not popular, and various students had problems because of this. Credentials only work if schools or companies accept their validity; while there are hundreds of schools already issuing and accepting blockchain credentials, many others do not do so. Various sites like Upwork and ZipRecruiter promote the adoption of blockchain-based credentials.

4. Cost

When the technology is adopted most probably it will be costly. The cost is related to the computing power and the changes to the existing infrastructure required, and it can add up. Many colleges and institutions lack the knowledge and skills necessary to manage student data on a blockchain platform.

A Vision For The Future Of Blockchain In The Education Industry

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) report concludes with a significant finding that blockchain technology’s future is dependent on complete transparency.

  • Recipient ownership
    In blockchain technology, students are able to manage their credentials. They, and not educational institutions, control their credentials.
  • Vendor independence
    Without a vendor, no one can share, relocate or validate records and data on the blockchain. The MIT Media Lab and Learning Machine developed Blockers, an open standard to provide and verify credentials, to try to avoid a standards war that could force education institutions and organizations to use digital credentials providers.


Blockchain technology in eLearning is a great innovation. With the help of blockchain, the traditional systems for verification could be changed. It would be completely safe and secure. There are various blockchain development companies that develop blockchain-based eLearning platforms.


[1] Would Blockchain technology enhance education value chain?


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