Home Technology 10 IoT Business Opportunities on the Rise

10 IoT Business Opportunities on the Rise


The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining traction as a connected device. And smart home and office gadgets have taken over the market.

According to Statista, the worldwide Internet of Things (IoT) sector will be valued at over $1 trillion by 2030. This increased income opens up new opportunities to leverage IoT technology for businesses. Business-to-customer relationships are changing as IoT devices become more widespread.

Consider employing contemporary voice technologies like Siri, Alexa, and Cortana to search for things while a customer places an order.

1. Voice-Powered Tech

In the future, this one aspect of IoT will explode. But, will you be caught off guard? Voice-powered tech saves time, helps productivity — thereby saving money.

As a result, tech-savvy organizations will want to take advantage of this tech — so they won’t be left in the dust.

Customer support representatives and virtual assistants will be replaced by voice technology. This is already happening.

Voice-powered tech has the potential to improve customer service, provide a consistent experience, and increase efficiency. This should be obvious to everyone.

2. Analysis of Retail Data

IoT was made possible by technological advancements that have continued to innovate, and the iteration has also catapulted forward in various fields of science such as math and physics.

Data is collected via connecting smartwatches, digital thermostats, and smart speakers.

Because these devices are so prevalent, data from the retail business may be readily available, making the pathway to detailed analysis way easy.

Tracking customer behavior in physical businesses may be pretty helpful for business owners, and it’s a game-changer everywhere.

Customer care solutions are being developed using data from cash registers, store cameras, and mobile customer applications. It beats taking a survey.

Based on peak client activity hours of the day or week, the data can be utilized to optimize labor or inventory demands. Using peak client activity hour data effectively will revolutionize warehouse procedures.

3. Security

Every gadget that is linked to the internet increases the risk and vulnerability of any system. As a result, many new specialty cyber businesses are springing up, all claiming to protect you and your company — be sure and pick — or BE the right security company.

Choosing the right cyber business for any company is like “merging houses with someone.”

Businesses are increasingly seeking to insure themselves against the high cost of cyber risk.

Coverage for cybersecurity needs to be both faster and more selective — and you could be the correct insurance for companies — and be right next door.

These are industries that are on the verge of exploding.

4. Netphone

Office phones have evolved into a very versatile communication hub. However, making phone calls is only one of the many features mobile phones provide.

The increased usage of mobile phones has made an increasingly proactive social media usage and the possibility of increased local customers — depending on your location.

Proximity prompts marketers and sales professionals to be able to communicate before questions or problems develop. Working toward a VoIP service may be suitable for your company, or you may be able to build future tech around services that work through this type of system.

After COVID — remote workers have become the future of all work, and any solution that addresses the remote workers’ needs will have a great success rate. There are all kinds of options with Netphone-type possibility and hosted PBX functionality.

5. Real Estate

Industrial constructions that are environmentally friendly are in great demand. The supply chain crisis keeps us blind to opportunity. People are getting braver in the novelty of crisis. We see industrial constructions that have begun popping up like mushrooms.

Many investors are unaware of industrial businesses’ requirements, but any entrepreneur can wise up, fast, and create something.

If a facility has enough IoT devices — you should invest time and effort for those types of profit margins –they are tantalizing.

Think of all the temperature sensors and smart shelving when you think of real estate. Who’s to say that smart floors aren’t next — I saw some type of smart window pane ideas in a business this week.

Devices in a smart home have greatly enhanced our business framework and the value of a businesses’ property. Realtors and entrepreneurs are quick to catch on to this bonanza.

6. Seasonal Retail

Smart speakers are more popular. The majority of people use smart speakers to make purchases, and it’s a blessing for the busy consumer.

As voice search software develops, more people will use voice to buy gifts for their loved ones—any type of voice speaker that helps the consumer will boost sales year-round and boom during the holidays.

Business owners have new positions for SEO specialists. Entrepreneurs will think of many other positions to create faster and better retail sales.

7. Health Surveillance

More patient monitoring is on the way. This comes at a critical juncture in our nation’s healthcare system.

The ability to monitor a patient has made all the difference in healthcare. The great resignation has affected the healthcare system as much as it has hurt other businesses. Unfortunately, requiring a patient to visit a healthcare providers’ office or the hospital is not always possible.

Surveillance and surveillance products have helped to streamline the system. All of the new products and services in healthcare surveillance have saved costs both for the business and the patient. In addition, all healthcare system upgrades can improve treatment quality.

8. Telemedicine

The use of IoT in the healthcare business is notable — it allows medical practitioners to deliver therapy from a distance.

Suppose the doctor isn’t physically there — it’s now possible to operate on patients and monitor their health from afar.

In specific ways, the use of IoT in medical services has transformed the sector.

9. Inventory Management

IoT can assist shops with improved inventory management; keeping track of inventory and storing items in e-commerce or traditional retail environments is an expensive procedure.

IoT devices can detect low supply and order replacements right away without waiting for physical inventory methodology. Inventory management, especially amid shortages and needed changes, saves money, time, and space.

10. ElderCare

IoT can assist the elderly and anybody else who requires outside support making independent living easier and more accessible to a growing number of people.

IoT devices can assist elder-care businesses to keep track of food and other requirements, avoiding shortages. In addition, smart devices automatically schedule appointments and can work well with telemedicine. Innovations in elder care will continue to grow because there is a considerable need as a large percentage of the population is aging.

Image Credit: Fauxels; Pexels; Thank you!

Brad Anderson

Brad Anderson

Editor In Chief at ReadWrite

Brad is the editor overseeing contributed content at ReadWrite.com. He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase. You can reach him at brad at readwrite.com.


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