When it comes to reading, my tastes run the gamut. Fiction will forever be my rid-or-die favorite genre (I could stay up for hours diving deep into a good plot). But the world of books is thankfully infinite—and I’m endlessly grateful for all the options available. Want to experience greater happiness? There are about a million reads on the topic. Love a good book-turned-movie combo? Consider this your definitive list. And if you’re a new parent, don’t worry: these are our favorite guides to support your journey.
Conclusion? If there’s a topic you’re totally new to or want to learn more about, there’s nothing you can’t read up on. But for me, following fiction, memoirs just might be the perfect literary genre. I certainly have my faves, but as a nonfiction junkie who always wants to be learning (sorry, can’t help it), memoirs allow me to immerse myself in a rich narrative while still scratching my personal development itch. And what’s not to love about an intimate view into the life of someone with a fascinating true story to tell?
These are the memoirs that have impacted my mindset the most in recent years. Each of them gave me a new perspective and have subtly permeated the way that I think. So dive in, discover a new-to-you read, and scroll down to the comments—I’d love to hear about your own favorite memoirs!
P.S. Looking for more ways to carve out a few extra minutes of reading each day? Try our nine tips that’ll help you finish that novel that’s been sitting on your nightstand for months. (It’s time!).
Feature image by Kristen Kilpatrick.
This post was originally published on January 26, 2020 and has since been updated.