Home Entertainment Kimberly Denied a Goodbye Kiss from Usman Umar: Are You Ashamed of Me?!

Kimberly Denied a Goodbye Kiss from Usman Umar: Are You Ashamed of Me?!


Even after Usman Umar finally slipped Kimberly Menzies his yam, things aren’t perfect.

They had sex, they kissed, they are officially in a relationship, and they even reconciled after a big fight.

But they can’t even say goodbye at the airport without it turning into a “thing.”

This time, the problem was that Usman refused to kiss Kimberly goodbye in public. Is he ashamed of her? What gives?

Kimberly Menzies and Usman Umar (farewell preview)

As this sneak peek clip of Sunday’s episode begins, Kimberly Menzies is in tears.

No, Usman “Soljaboy” Umar hasn’t broken her heart — not yet, anyway.

Instead, she is crying because it’s time for her to leave to go home … and she’s not emotionally prepared to say goodbye.

Usman Umar and Kimberly Menzies toast their rekindled relationship

In the car, Usman is all about the PDA.

After all, this is the same man who rested his head on Kimberly’s lap even before he was willing to kiss or sleep with her.

Once they get out of the car, however, there is a change in tone … especially after production stirs the pot.

Usman Umar rests his head on Kimberly Menzies' thigh

What we don’t see most of the time on these shows is that producers ask question after question after question of the cast.

Most of the time, those questions are edited out.

Every now and then, there is an especially candid moment when viewers need to hear the prompt to fully appreciate what is happening.

Usman Umar sings - I see you fine girl from the internet

In this clip, production asks if Usman and Kimberly are going to exchange a goodbye kiss.

It’s a very simple question, and even has non-dramatic applications, since they might need to set up the shot one way or another.

The answer, however, is not so simple — as Kimberly says “yes” and Usman says “no.”

Kimberly Menzies and Usman Umar wake up together

After realizing that they were not going to agree, Usman explained why he was refusing to kiss his girlfriend goodbye.

“Kissing in the airport is just like a public announcement,” Usman reasoned.

Clearly, he had been listening to the concerns about public perception that his entourage members, like Badmus, had mentioned.

Usman Umar takes a goofy selfie with Kimberly Menzies

Usman arguably made it worse, suggesting that he has already done many things that he did not want to.

“So many things I do for you not because I want to,” he began.

Usman continued: “But because I want to make you happy.” 

Kimberly Menzies embraces Usman Umar

An unhappy Kimberly asks if they can just go to the airport.

She sounds defeated and downright angry. Perhaps a little huffy, even.

Usman notices it, pointing out that she always displays anger when she doesn’t get her way.

Kimberly Menzies boops the nose of Usman Umar

Kimberly insists that this (obvious change in mood which we can all see with our own eyes) is not what’s happening.

Instead, she claims that this is about concern over not being late to her flight.

However, speaking (presumably some time later) to the confessional cameras, Kimberly acknowledged her displeasure.

Kimberly Menzies put so much into this, didn't expect this treatment

“This has been the experience of a lifetime,” Kimberly described.

“And,” she noted happily, “I’m leaving as Usman’s girlfriend.”

Because of that, Kimberly noted, “I should be going home happy.”

Usman Umar has a secret to share

“But the fact that he won’t kiss me in public, still,” Kimberly remarked, “still, after all this time.”

She admitted that “it hurts me a little bit.”

Kimberly expressed: “It’s like, are you ashamed of me? I mean, what is it?”

Kimberly Menzies goes sugar momager on Usman Umar's set

They said goodbye and embraced at the airport.

Though they did not have a true goodbye kiss, Kimberly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, indistinguishable from a familial or friendly kiss.

Kimberly also told him that she loves him, saying it more than once … without him saying it back.

Usman Umar lies atop and kisses Kimberly Menzies

“We will see soon, right?” Usman suggested awkwardly.

He then gave her a high five, of all things.

To the camera, Kimberly admitted that she is uncertain about their future because Usman “make me feel insecure.”


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