Home Technology As some crypto startups seek to avoid oversight, VCs are passing on board seats to win deals; investors in FTX, which has raised $1.8B+, have no board seats (Miles Kruppa/Financial Times)

As some crypto startups seek to avoid oversight, VCs are passing on board seats to win deals; investors in FTX, which has raised $1.8B+, have no board seats (Miles Kruppa/Financial Times)

As some crypto startups seek to avoid oversight, VCs are passing on board seats to win deals; investors in FTX, which has raised $1.8B+, have no board seats (Miles Kruppa/Financial Times)

Miles Kruppa / Financial Times:

As some crypto startups seek to avoid oversight, VCs are passing on board seats to win deals; investors in FTX, which has raised $1.8B+, have no board seats  —  Founders of digital asset groups seek to avoid investor oversight in new Silicon Valley trend  —  Jack Lu received eight proposals …


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