Home Tv Shows Big Sky Season 2 Episode 13 Review: The Shipping News

Big Sky Season 2 Episode 13 Review: The Shipping News


Wow, the living is easy in a world where we no longer have to deal with Ronald Pergman.

Big Sky Season 2 Episode 13 is a like a breath of fresh air, as we wrap up some stories and invest all our time into one central storyline involving the Bhullar’s. It makes for a very entertaining hour that ends on a gasp-worthy moment.

Things may be looking up for the series!

With Ronald finally gone, the hour starts with the aftermath from Big Sky Season 2 Episode 12, but it’s a very short little interlude. And while I’m a big fan of streamlining this installment to the point where everything’s connected together, the opening minutes go by so fast that it feels odd.

The hunt for Ronald has been the predominant story from the series inception, and we spend a whole thirty seconds dealing with the close of that chapter. And on top of that, we never even see Cassie past the opening frame.

It’s odd, and I have to assume Cassie will be back, and we’ll actually get some insight into her emotional state and everything surrounding the situation, but it doesn’t come here, and that’s unfortunate.

Mark looks like he will be alright from the seven seconds we see him in the ambulance, but Wolf isn’t so lucky.

Wolf’s death comes at the hands of the shady organization he made a deal with to grab Ronald in the first place, so his death is a given, but now I wonder if that’s just the end of that story altogether. In theory, Cassie and Mark could go after the troopers and this John Milton, but there felt like a finality to this whole narrative here.

Coming back around to it could still happen, especially with Scarlet and Phoebe in the wind, but perhaps it’s for the best to terminate that story and keep moving forward with new villains and new arcs.

The Bhullar’s have easily been the best thing about Big Sky Season 2, which was on full display again here.

Ren is great for what she is, and with her whole family here, we get to see so many more sides to her. She’s much more than a one-note villain, and Jag was correct when he mentioned her need to have control. And you can see why growing up with a father like Verr.

When the expectation is perfection and only perfection, it will shape you to be the kind of person who has to be in command of all aspects of their life. You can’t depend on others because people often let you down.

And it’s this need for control that drives Ren forward a lot, and it’s why she’s unable to give up on finding out why Verr is ready to leave Canada.

Ren’s lunch with Alicia isn’t the sparring match I expected it to be, but it’s intriguing because Alicia is exactly who I thought she was. She’s an opportunist of some sort, and whether she’s with Verr for the right reasons remains to be seen. But she’s not trying to be Ren’s enemy.

What she says to Ren may go over her head, but she’d rather be two women working together in a male-dominated world instead of two women pitted against each other.

The more we see of Verr, the more we see the kind of monstrous man he can be. He just hides it behind an affable smile and quiet speaking voice.

But it’s obvious he has all sorts of issues with both his children, and here we see that he has a problem with Jag’s perceived softness.

Jag doesn’t seem soft so much as he looks like a person who’s never had to get his hands dirty. Would he do what he had to do if push came to shove? Probably. But he’s never had to when he has someone like Dhruv at his side at all times.

The fight with Dietrich was a way for Verr to assert his authority and break Jag somehow. It surely was a test that Jag passed but at what cost?

Verr seems hellbent on turning Ren and Jag into the people he wants them to be instead of letting them be who they are and using the strengths they already have to further his agenda. Their family dynamics are an interesting case study, and we still have more time to explore them!

With the story complete (see you, later kiddos!), Jenny is entirely focused on finding Bob and the whole Bhullar angle. It’s still wild to think about all the death the Bhullar’s have brought into town, and nothing has changed for them at all. Can no one get any charges to stick?

Before we get into the Travis out of it all, shoutout to Poppernak, the best man on this show.

Those two deputies didn’t deserve to get blown up, but they shouldn’t have been teasing Poppernak like that! He is such a nice person, and maybe his jokes and stories get old, but he means well, and he’s a good cop. He’s always done right by Jenny, and their sweet little moment in the hospital was such a delight.

There he was with a nasty head wound, and all he could think about was how he wouldn’t be out in those streets with Jenny having her back. He also found time to let Jenny know he never trusted Travis, and it’s about time people start to warn Jenny!

I’ll admit that the sauce blinded me with Travis because he and Jenny really do have great chemistry, but as time marches on, he gets less and less likable and more unstable.

It’s been evident for quite some time that there’s something much bigger at play for him in all this. He wants to cripple the Bhullar’s, but he’s doing it in a way that is incredibly dangerous for a lot of people. He has a one-track mind, and this undercover mission has him acting more like a criminal than a cop.

Finding out that he’s been MIA from the powers that be is no surprise. And finding out why the Bhullar case is so personal to him gives us more context and helps shade in some of his actions. He lost his great love, and he’s looking for payback, basically.

But it’s this need for revenge that has him totally off the rails, making crazy deals to stay alive and stabbing men in the throat when necessary.

As we barrel towards the end of the season, it’s looking like it will be more about the Bhullar’s and Travis, and that has the potential to be a very intriguing tale.

Odds and Ends

  • Major props to Dietrich here for doing whatever he has to do to survive. He talked a big game for a while, but he knows that the only thing he can do now is try to make nice with the Bhullar’s again. And that’s precisely what he did when he handed them Bob.

  • No Denise this week! I hope she’s staying warm in the office.

  • Tonya and Donno need to run off together and start a freelance assassin business.

  • Have I told you lately that Mark Lindor deserves better? Well, MARK LINDOR DESERVES BETTER.

This was an excellent hour, and it sets us up for the Bhullar (and Travis) takedown that Jenny is undoubtedly going to be mounting. And hopefully, we also get to check in with Cassie because we all miss her.

She has a ton on her plate to deal with, but man, it would be nice to see her and Jenny back together again working a case.

Hit the comments below and let me know where you see things moving forward! And always watch Big Sky online when you need to get your Cassie and Jenny fix!

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.


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