Bob Saget‘s friends and family say he was his normal, happy and joking self in the days leading up to his death … and allegations he was complaining about being sick with long-term COVID before his last show just don’t add up.
We spoke with one of Bob’s best friends, who was in touch with the comedian almost daily, and tells us Saget never mentioned feeling off or that he was still battling the after-effects of COVID. Not only that, we’re told the friend, who saw Bob regularly, said he never exhibited symptoms of being sick either.
Not only that — the Saget family attorney tells us Bob’s wife, Kelly Rizzo, spoke to Bob the day he died — and he never mentioned being sick or having hearing issues.
Of course, this goes against what the showrunner at the venue where Bob last performed told investigators in an interview after his death. The woman claimed Bob had mentioned he hadn’t been feeling well — battling the after-effects of COVID-19, including hearing issues and a sore throat.
There was also the valet driver at The Ritz where Bob died, who told investigators he was in good spirits, didn’t appear to have suffered any head trauma, and kept his balance without issue. A photo the valet took with Bob showed him to be perfectly fine as well.
TMZ broke the story, photos from the investigation showing Bob’s headboard — where investigators believe he struck his head — revealed an otherwise unremarkable scene.