Home Business Why Innovation Is Key to Survival for Specialty Food Businesses

Why Innovation Is Key to Survival for Specialty Food Businesses


Why Innovation Is Key to Survival for Specialty Food Businesses Impacted by the Pandemic

Restaurants and food-related businesses have been hit hard during the pandemic.

The National Restaurant Association found that restaurant and food-service sales were down $240 billion in the USA from their pre-pandemic forecasts for 2021. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of restaurants that have been forced to close their doors.

The knock-on effect on the supply chain from the squeeze on restaurants is significant in the specialty foods sector. Even those restaurants that have survived being shut down and limited in capacity are looking to cut operational costs. In many instances, this puts specialty food on the chopping block.

So, what has this sector done to fight back? What innovations have spawned in the last two years?

I joined BigCommerce on Facebook Live to discuss this complex and emerging topic and here are some of my key takeaways.

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