Home Stories Spring Sunrise – Charmed Chaos

Spring Sunrise – Charmed Chaos


Lemon Blossom- Source: PXhere.com

New sunrise-
Paints pale horizon with wildflower colors
And eastern sky glows
in a meadow of tissue paper clouds

Fragrant zephyr stirs waxy emerald leaves
While spent blossoms slip from thorny lemon tree
Grey mockingbird sings from high in the mesquite
-As spring arrives

©2022 Linda Lee Lyberg

dVerse Poets Pub: Quadrille #148 Papered Poems

Linda Lee Lyberg is a wife, mother, artist, published poet and author. She resides in Mesa, AZ with her husband Pete (aka The Big Viking) of 25 years and their latest rescue, Jackson “Jax” Lyberg. Linda writes various forms of poetry, as well as short stories. You can read more of her works at: charmedchaos.com and view anthologies containing her work here: Amazon Author Page


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