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Gamification LMS For Continuous Learning


6 Tips To Foster Motivation With A Gamification LMS

When people hear “gamification,” they assume it’s about using “serious games” for training; things like simulations or video-game treasure hunts. This isn’t necessarily true. Gamification is about using gaming techniques and metrics for learning and motivation. They don’t have to play actual computer games or slay fictional foes. They just co-opt some of its more exciting elements to engage employees and improve retention. But how can you encourage continuous learning in the workplace with a gamification LMS to maintain motivation?

eBook Release: Continuous Learning In The Workplace: How To Harness The Power Of An LMS For Your Teams

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Continuous Learning In The Workplace: How To Harness The Power Of An LMS For Your Teams

Our guide can help you choose the best system for your team to foster continuous learning in the workplace!

1. Offer Badges Based On Certificate Achievements

We all seem drawn to the esteem and authority of a shiny badge, even if we don’t want the responsibility or authority it brings. Whether it’s a school monitor, government agent, or office supervisor, the badge is a hit. (Though the lanyard it hangs on often isn’t.) Design a series of attractive badges your trainees can attach to their profiles and even share in non-work spaces. Make them eye-catching and relevant. This encourages trainees to keep taking more courses so they can earn themselves more badges. They’ll receive a certificate for every completed course, but you can offer multiple badges for individual tasks. For example, a communication certificate could have badges for public speaking, newsletter creation, and empathetic listening. Just make sure they actually absorb the information from each certification instead of breezing through for the sake of the badge.

2. Launch A Leaderboard For Top Training Performers

A lot of us claim we’re not competitive. In reality, we’re all driven to be “the best.” Often, it’s the negative side of competition that puts us off: the backstabbing “win at all costs” element that pits peer against peer. Leaderboards can help you harness the good side of one-upmanship. It gives you something to work toward and offers instant gratification. And because it’s a consistent, ongoing metric, it encourages continuous training to keep earning points. The trick is to keep leader board participation optional. Trainees who don’t want to be listed can opt out. You should also ensure that employees know why they’re trying to move up the leaderboard. For example, the top spot shows that they’re dedicated to lifelong learning and professional growth in the sales sector.

3. Use A Variety Of Metrics

Along the same lines, verify that every participant has equal footing. For example, if you base leader board metrics on revenue generation, then sales teams will always score higher than delivery guys. And warehouse packers will face a clear disadvantage against front-office staff. So, come up with a clear, relevant gauge. Trainees can compete on even scales by, say, taking self-assessment tests and product knowledge quizzes. They can earn points via non-departmental metrics, like punctuality. Or gain points by referring customers (as opposed to receiving positive customer feedback.) The latter is a good metric, but it locks out all the non-customer-facing departments.

4. Mix Up Your “Gaming System”

It’s not just about how you earn your points. It’s also about “how long.” Think of sales figures, for instance. Slow seasons mean lower numbers for everyone, and your week-to-week sales may be influenced by other factors, like whether your kids are in session or on vacation. Or maybe you’re unwell so you miss work and dint your scores. Having multiple metrics that feed into each other can help. Have a daily, weekly, and cumulative tally. Each system will have an awards system so everyone has a shot at victory.

5. Reward Employee Contributions

One of the best ways to facilitate continuous learning in the workplace is to use employee contributions such as tutorials, demos, and examples they can upload to the gamification LMS in exchange for points or badges. Their peers benefit from these bite-sized resources that shed new light on the topic while the contributor is recognized for their hard work and receives peer feedback. They’re more likely to upload their DIY support tools if incentives are thrown into the mix. This enables your organization to utilize in-house talent to fuel your continuous learning program on a tight budget.

6. Keep It Clear With Lots Of Options

Part of this system derives from diversity. While certain measures are standard, offer voluntary “points boosters.” A visual trainee might want to participate by reading a comic strip or watching a video, then answering questions. A text-based trainee might prefer to read a book or study a policy document than type a report. Some staffers may be more interested in taking a survey. You could even have trainees suggest activities and scores, though it has to be approved by HR and/or L&D. So, a trainee might consider giving a career talk to school kids or volunteer to mentor a new hire who needs some extra guidance on their first day. You should also account for different personality traits when choosing your game mechanics. For example, introverted learners don’t have to compete against their peers and can strive for personal achievement badges.

Gamification LMS For Continuous Learning In The Workplace

Video games and mobile games use a system of reinforcement and treat to keep us coming back. They take the form of bonus points for extended play, or daily gifts for repeat visits. Some even reward you for logging in consecutively. But gamification isn’t about the playing itself—it’s more about using incentives until intrinsic motivation kicks in. These include badges, certificates, leader boards, and points systems. Mix your metrics, allowing trainees to score daily, weekly, and cumulatively so that it’s fair for everyone. They can also undertake pre-agreed tasks for points or contribute to the continual learning library.

Are you looking for a gamification LMS that encourages continuous learning in the workplace and boosts employee motivation? Our online directory is a great place to begin the hunt. You can quickly vet vendors thanks to user reviews, filter results by features, and see which platforms offer free trials.

Download our eBook Continuous Learning In The Workplace: How To Harness The Power Of An LMS For Your Teams to extend training beyond employee orientation.

eBook Release: Homebase


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