Have we ever had a messier Teen Mom feud than the one that’s currently going on between Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry?
Because it sure doesn’t feel like it.
There’s a lot of new drama to go over, so let’s get the recap over fast: these two ladies began having issues nearly five years ago now when Briana started dating Javi Marroquin, Kailyn’s ex-husband.
That relationship only lasted a few months, but the feud has lived on, and it’s positively thriving right now.
A big reason for this is the lawsuit — Kail sued Briana last year for defamation of character after Briana claimed that she’d assaulted Chris Lopez, the father of her two youngest children, and the case is still dragging on.
But this week, the reason for their intensified feud seems to be just some good old-fashioned jealousy.
Teen Mom 2 has started back up again, and in the latest episode, we saw Briana travel to make an appearance on Chris Lopez’s podcast.
A lot of people thought that was shady anyway, but when people started noticing that Briana was later shown wearing the same shirt that Chris wore during the podcast … well, that certainly kicked things up a notch.
Then an old text exchange between Bri and Javi was leaked, allegedly by Kailyn, that began with Briana saying “I may be going to Delaware to film a podcast with Chris. Maybe we can do dinner or something then. Probably end of February early March.”
“Yo yo!” Javi replied. “Mannn respectfully, that just sounds like a mess for me to get involved. Whatever you and Kail got going on is between y’all, but my loyalty is to my son’s mom and I don’t think us doing dinner after you do a podcast with Chris would 1) be a good look and 2) just not how I wanna live.”
She told him she understood and said that maybe they could get together after things settle down between her and Kailyn, but still, it was a super weird conversation, right?
After the screenshot began making the rounds, Briana made a post of her own insinuating that there’s more to this story, and later she ended up posting screenshots of the call log she has with Javi, showing that they have kept in touch so a dinner invitation wasn’t entirely out of the blue.
“Stop being a weird c–t, stop trying to start drama,” she wrote, apparently to Kailyn. “Javi M and I are cool. We spoke about the situation. Stop sneaking into ppls accounts and getting information. Javi and I are past the bullsh-t and drama.”
“Speaks volumes when nobody can ever stand in ur corner,” she added.
But she wasn’t done yet!
Over on Twitter, she wrote (and deleted, as always) “Javi is a snake in the grass. They [he and Kailyn] are made for each other.”
“It’s crazy bc Javi has said so much sh-t about that poor girl & her kids to me that is shocking but I would never blast that info bc it’ll do some real damage.”
“I’m not a spiteful person,” she hilariously claimed. “He’s not loyal. Never will be.”
It’s just really funny that she says she’s not spiteful and that she would never share what kind of trash Javi has talked about Kailyn and her kids, but she’s the one sharing that he has, in fact, had some incredibly negative things to say about them.
How is this not spiteful?
Someone replied to her and said that Jo Rivera is smart to stay out of all of this, and she agreed, tweeting “Forreal, I remember Javi, myself, my sister and Jo went out for lunch, yeeeaaaars ago during a reunion and those two men trashed that poor girl like it was nothing.”
“I can’t respect her if nobody else in her fam can.”
And just in case that wasn’t enough, she finished off this little rant with “If I really wanted her sloppy seconds, I could literally have both of them at the same time,” apparently referring to Javi and Chris.
“But I don’t want any of them,” she insisted. “Chris is such a cool person, y’all need to leave him alone.”
So … yikes.
It’s so incredibly bizarre that she actually seems to think that she’s not a spiteful person while she’s saying nonsense like this at the exact same time.
Like how many times have we heard her say that she’s growing and maturing, only for her to publicly state that she could have a threesome with two of Kail’s exes if she wanted?
How is that being the better person?
Of course Kailyn isn’t innocent in all of this, and we all know that she causes plenty of drama herself, but still … this is a lot.
Are you Team Briana or Team Kailyn?