Fees Home students (Scotland/EU) currently pay £1,820. Part-time students pay £152 to £910 per year. Overseas students pay £25,100.
Further details on fees can be found on the university website.

Bursaries There are various bursaries available to students, including financial support for students who have less support available to them. This includes the accommodation award (£1,500 towards accommodation costs, for all years, with a household income below £40,000); Entrant bursary (£1,500 all years, for UK domiciled students with a household income below £34,000).
When at St Andrews, the student hardship fund also supports students who run into financial difficulty or have a change in their circumstances. Over £1 million is awarded in scholarships, bursaries and support each year. You can find out more here.
Accommodation St Andrews has more than 4,000 beds available. A range of accommodation is available to suit different requirements – catered, self-catered, shared or an individual bedroom. Catered accommodation starts from £5,542, and goes up to £9,681 per year. Self-catered accommodation starts from £4,679 to £8,832 per year.
Tel: +44 (0)1334 46 2150
Email: admissions@st-andrews.ac.uk
Web: st-andrews.ac.uk
Accommodation: accommodation@st-andrews.ac.uk