10 News First has partnered with The New Daily which will see 10 video news stories, news updates and breaking news on the website operated by Solstice Media.
Both parties will commercialise the video with pre and post roll advertising.
Head of Digital News & Strategy, 10 News First, Rashell Habib, said: “We’re excited to partner with The New Daily and work together in delivering news as it happens, across multiple platforms.”
Similar broadcasting arrangements, with state-based local content, have also been secured for New Daily’s sister sites in Adelaide (InDaily.com.au) and Queensland (InQueensland.com.au).
Solstice Media’s Managing Director, Paul Hamra, said, “Our readers also want video content around local, national and world events to complement their online experience. 10 News First was the perfect partner as it does not publish its own digital news service.
“So, it is a win / win for us and for the 10 News First brand to amplify its content to our news-hungry audience and for The New Daily to enhance its offering to readers.”
The New Daily has over 700,000 subscribers and is ranked sixteenth on the Nielsen Net Ratings, with an online audience of 1.9 million.
10 Daily site, which was for short form news, was dismantled in mid 2020 as part of network redundancies.