Is SAS Australia the bluest show ever on television?
In the first episode this season, Seven censors were forced to bleep over the F word a total of 124 times.
That’s a lot of f***ing language in a 7:30pm timeslot.
The show is Rated M: “The use of coarse language is permitted but aggressive or strong coarse language should be infrequent overall.”
But the bleeps would mean the coarse language was not broadcast.
It’s hard to think of another show that would come close to so many bleeps as SAS Australia. Gordon Ramsay was very liberal with the word, and The Block uses plenty of bleeps (including from a 7pm PG slot), but I doubt it has half this number.
Seven has even gotten into the very blue mood with a first-ever press release that dropped the C*** word when quoting an argument between Locky Gilbert and Paul Fenech.
Is it all too much for Seven’s broad audience? Maybe. Every night the show is on a 7TWO episode of Doc Martin or Foyle’s War will float to the top of the multichannel heap.
But the uncensored editions, available in all their blue glory, are available on 7Plus where the network is seeing a big lift in BVOD numbers.
It returns 7:30pm Monday and Tuesday, f*** it.