Even though we’re a day late with the podcast this week, there’s a reason for that. With the timing of the “Joe Millionaire” finale, it made sense to put these interviews up the next day. We’ve got Steven and Calah’s first public interview as a couple and then we’re joined by Amanda, who was chosen by Kurt in the end, but they have since ended their relationship. We dive into everything in both interviews and if you watched the season, you’ll definitely enjoy both of these I believe. And then next week, with the podcast coming on Tuesday, we’ll hear from the two women who WEREN’T chosen last night, Annie and Carolyn. So look for that on Tuesday. As always, if you’d like to respond to these interviews, please include the Twitter handles of everyone involved – Steven (@steven_mcbee), Calah (@calah_jackson), and Amanda (@amandapaceee). So glad I was able to get all of them on and get these to you as soon as I could. I really think you’re gonna like these.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by talking about how and when these “Joe Millionaire” interviews were conducted. Then Steven & Calah join me as a couple for their first interview (9:02) to talk about what life has been like since the show ended, how serious is the relationship, knowing the edit made it seem like he’d pick Annie and how they’re gonna deal with that, and much, much more. Then Amanda joins me (46:05) to talk about her journey on the show and (SPOILER) her post-show break with Kurt, when it happened, why, is there any chance for reconciliation, and so much more.
Twitter – @steven_mcbee
Instagram – @stevenmcbee
Twitter – @calah_jackson
Instagram – @calah_mack
Twitter – @amandapaceee
Instagram – @amandapaceee
CampaignZero – link
8CantWait – link
PoliceScorecard – link
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.