Home Education We know principals are important, so why doesn’t anyone want to be one these days?

We know principals are important, so why doesn’t anyone want to be one these days?


Over the last two years, we have interviewed dozens of educators about school leadership. At the end of every conversation, we always ask the educator if they might want to be a high school principal one day. Their answers are consistent: “No, thank you.”

Take Sonjah McBain. As an instructional coach at a small high school in New York City, Sonjah was beloved by students, staff and families. She was credited with drastically improving students’ results through rigorous, relevant instruction. Sonjah was quickly tapped for school leadership, and she apprenticed at her school, where she added leadership tasks to her plate while juggling her core responsibilities.

But the more Sonjah saw of school leadership, the less she wanted it. As she looked around, she saw a role focused on compliance, numbers, testing and operations, rather than creating a high-quality school where every student is known, challenged and supported.


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