Home Future How to talk to your kids about Russia’s Ukraine invasion

How to talk to your kids about Russia’s Ukraine invasion


It’s important for children to know that it’s okay to talk about difficult topics with their parents. With anxiety, there’s a common phrase that we use: “Name it, to tame it.” Being able to talk about our feelings, worries, or what’s upsetting, even if it doesn’t change the situation, can help children feel a little better about the situation.

So having that open dialogue, listening to your children’s concerns, and showing them support allows children to feel comfortable discussing their feelings, especially when other tough topics or world events come up.

Another reason for these types of conversations is that there has been misinformation and disinformation spread across apps and other media platforms, so it’s also important to check in with our children about what they’ve heard and be able to correct things that might be misconstrued.

Children also can have very active imaginations, so maybe they hear a snippet of something on the radio and their mind creates a story around it that causes them distress. So being able to correct misinformation can be really important.

The final reason is that it’s important to teach our children to be compassionate and care about others who are suffering—even if they’re far away or we don’t know them. To encourage this, you can ask, “What do you think it feels like for people in this situation?” That can help them see things from another perspective. It’s also an opportunity instill helpfulness in a child and think of ways we can contribute.


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