After 200 failed attempts, Congress has finally passed a bill that makes lynching a federal hate crime. Known as the Emmitt Till Anti-Lynching Act, the Bill is expected to be signed into law by President Biden this week.
This comes after the House passed the Bill last week with a vote of 422-3. As previously reported, three Republicans voted against it: three Republicans Reps. Andrew Clyde (Ga.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Chip Roy (Texas), CNN reports.
After more than 200 failed attempts to outlaw lynching, Congress is finally succeeding in taking the long overdue action by passing the Emmett Till Anti-lynching Act. Hallelujah. It’s long overdue,” said Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in remarks on the Senate floor after the bill’s passage.
He continued, “The first antilynching legislation was introduced a century ago, and after so long, the Senate has now finally addressed one of the most shameful elements of this nation’s past by making lynching a federal crime.” Schumer also stated that the length of time it took to make lynching a hate crime left a “bitter stain” on America.
Named after Emmett Till, 14-year-old Black boy from Chicago who was lynched in 1955 while visiting MS., the Bill received a 422-3 vote. Introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush, the hate crime would be punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
The House previously passed the bill in 2020, but it was objected by Sen. Rand Paul,Washington Post reports.
According to The Hill, 120 years ago, then-Rep. George Henry White, the only Black man of Congress at the time, attempted to pass a similar Bill.
Over 4,700 people were lynched in the US between between1882 to1968 with Black people making up the majority. As history has taught us, lynching was used as a method to terrorize Black people. MS had the greatest number of lynchings.
Roomies, what do you think of this.