We got some Halloween fun with a haunted house call.
Vic also reached a critical decision about what she intends to do about her pregnancy on Station 19 Season 5 Episode 10, and Jack makes a hilariously graphic offer to Carina.
Everything is still trucking along on this hour of Station 19.
The squad’s call to a haunted house provided a barrel of laughs as they navigated the house, slipped down secret passageways and scared one another.
Travis and Theo have come a long way in their friendship, and it has its ups and downs, but they play off one another well. They were hilarious together as they had opposite reactions to wandering around a house with a scary past.
Travis wasn’t with it, and you can’t blame him. He had all the appropriate reactions, including gawking at Theo’s suggestion that they split up to search for their two victims.
They included a few jump-scares into the mix, but the hidden trap door that dropped the two of them down into some enclosed basement took the cake.
Of course, in true Staton 19 fashion, things got real once they were done there. They spent a lot of time sniping at each other over their respective relationship but not following through on what they meant.
Their time in that hidden basement forced them to air things out, which was informative.
Travis is an unapologetic Vic stan, and he’ll go to bat for his best friend at every turn. It’s respectable, and their friendship is one of the cutest things ever, but he also doesn’t consider what things are like for other people interacting with Vic.
The house doesn’t like visitors!
Theo got shafted by Vic, and no matter how hard he tried to help her out and support her, she kept pushing him away. Vic even turned to Gibson before she did him, so he’s entitled to have feelings about all of that himself.
Yes, Vic is going through some things, but that doesn’t mean it’s Theo’s job to take all of that on and set his feelings and hurt aside. Travis advised Theo to fight for Vic as if the man isn’t allowed to get tired of putting himself out there only to get slapped away. Right now, Theo isn’t the problem in his relationship with Vic.
It sucked that Travis was implying that there’s anything else Theo could do to make things right with her. But Theo was 100% correct in his assessment of Travis’ relationship with Emmett.
We’ve always known that Emmett is more invested in their relationship than Travis seems to be, so Theo isn’t wrong to suggest that if Travis can’t commit to Emmett more, then he should let him go and not string him along. It’s hurting the guy in the long run.
And if Travis is right about how he perceives Emmett, then it’s not fair to Emmett at all. What was the point of these two working through things and finding their way back to one another if Travis treats this relationship as if it’s disposable on a whim whenever he gets in his feelings about something?
He’s so angry at his father that he’s upset with Emmett for showing empathy for the man because he could relate to hiding in a relationship with a woman.
It’s so unfair that Travis is projecting that on Emmett and holding it against him. Essentially, he’s judging and punishing Emmett and his father for not having the same coming-out journey he did. We know Emmett did the work to get to a healthy place in his life and atone for his past.
But when will Travis attend some regular therapy to work through his grief, familial baggage, and other things? Maybe it’s time for him to do the work to contribute to a lasting relationship, too.
Vic is overdue for a few sessions with Diane herself. But some time with Andy seemed to help her out more than one would’ve expected.
The two of them spending the day at Dean’s old boathouse led to some great moments. After all this time, we still learn new things about Andy that surprise us.
Who would’ve thought that she got pregnant by Ryan in high school and had an abortion? It’s the type of honest conversation between two women that you rarely see on screen, and it was refreshing that they were able to get into the subject matter with both casualness and realness.
It’s not often that you hear a woman weighing whether she wants to have an abortion or not or how she’s going about it, and whether or not she’s sharing the news with her partner.
Vic’s biggest conundrum was not knowing if she wanted to go through the pain and difficulty of taking a pill and dealing with its effects or waiting another week for the procedure.
Right now, Vic isn’t wavering on the abortion, and that level of confidence is also something that you rarely see onscreen when these things play out and typically lead to a woman choosing to have the child at the last minute.
Andy and Vic are both career-driven women with aspirations, so Andy’s unapologetic admission when explaining why she got hers resonated with Vic. But Andy also knows what it’s like to lose a best friend.
While one doesn’t doubt that she made the right choice for herself, it makes sense that she has moments of thinking about what could’ve been after losing Ryan. She thought she’d have time for Ryan and a baby in the future, but fate had other plans.
Vic is dealing with a lot right now, and so much of her behavior is concerning. It was nerve-wracking when she opted to dive into the frigid water for a swim and seemed reckless. She’s a mess right now, and she knows as much.
She can choose to do whatever she feels she has to, but she should talk to Theo for no other reason than to lean on him for some support. It’s hard to say how the news will go over with him, though.
It must’ve been interesting for Carina, spending some of her time talking Vic through abortion options when she’s in the process of trying to have kids with Maya.
The Dean Miller Clinic they set up is already off to a decent start, and it’s honoring their fallen friend. It’s the best way to have Carina incorporated into the series in broader ways, and her friendship with Jack remains a highlight of this arc.
Theo: Things would go faster if we split up.
Travis: Split up? You haven’t seen a single horror movie?
Many people speculated that Jack would be at the top of that list when it came down to Carina and Maya considering a sperm donor. Sure enough, he offered his sperm in the most hilariously bad way. Carina treating the lesbian couple who once got half of Grey Sloan high of pot cookies made Carina think about her options.
In many ways, it helps to have a sperm donor that you know, but it also makes things complicated. It would all depend on what kind of family Carina and Maya would want to have.
The crew is unquestionably tight-knit. They’re the type of people who have formed a found family, and their kids would be part of that.
Jack is always that guy who wants to belong to something, and he hops from one family unit to another. It makes him a great candidate, but it also could mean he’s a concerning one if he can’t draw boundaries with this future kid who would biologically be his.
Overall, Carina and Jack have developed an intriguing relationship, and they work well together.
Travis: Didn’t you hear us calling you?
Corey: I freaked out, man. I thought I was hearing ghosts.
Travis: Oh my God, same man, same.
They both have a lot to offer to how to run the clinic, and they’re both right. The clinic requires a combination of both of their ideas. Carina brings all the medicine, but Jack has a deep understanding of communities in need and how they respond to things, and he’s crucial to them succeeding.
He should learn a few more straightforward techniques, but I loved that he’s starting to learn how difficult some medical methods are.
Ben was the grumpy man amid their portion of the hour, but it all boiled down to him refusing to see Diane and get his feelings out. Fortunately, he relented, and he’ll see it pay off down the road.
If they’re fighting for Pru, he needs to be in the best headspace. They’ve rarely given Jack a storyline, but his maturity seeps through in the sound advice he gives to other characters these days.
He was right to call Ben out. Dean expected the new, better version of Ben taking care of Pru, not the one slipping into his old ways.
What exactly will happen with Beckett? He seemed out of it at the haunted house scene, and he made a terrible call when he lost Travis and Theo and didn’t consider calling them until Sullivan brought it up. When Sullivan called him out, he was defensive, but Sullivan wasn’t wrong.
His apology to Theo and Travis was a weird scene, but you could tell it was sincere. Maybe we’ll get to the bottom of things if Andy pursues a romantic or sexual relationship with him again. It seemed like it was on the table.
And Captain Ross laid it all on the table for Sullivan, too. She was flirting like crazy with him at the community event, and I’m dying to know what their history is and when they’ll dig into it more.
If it’s sperm your stressing out about, I can give you that. I’m just saying, I go a lot of that, waste a lot of that.
Sullivan is into her too. However, that came to a screeching halt when he went through her file cabinet and found alcohol. Are we supposed to believe she has a drinking problem? What gives?
Over to you, Station 19 Fanatics. What are your thoughts on Vic’s decision? Should Carina and Maya consider Jack as a sperm donor? Sound off below!
You can watch Station 19 online here via TV Fanatic.
Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.