We have arrived at one of the most positive months of 2022. In February, we got a little taste of the healing and expansive energy that can only emanate from Jupiter, the planet of fortune and expansion. And in March, we get to fully dive into the healing waters of Pisces season as the planets activate the jovial energy of this gas giant.
The legendary cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, will be traveling very close together during the entire month, bringing waves of passionate romance and creativity. If you’ve been wanting to take a relationship to the next level, March is the perfect time to do so. This month’s energy is also ideal for taking a trip or planning a staycation, as the cosmos will be instigating rest and relaxation.
If you’re a creative, you could be producing some of your finest work, as the planets will be facilitating the way toward newfound inspiration. Mark March 2, March 5, March 6, March 13, and March 20 as the most positive days to channel this month’s dreamy, inspirational vibes.
Once March 20 arrives, we will be saying hello to spring and the beginning of the Astrological New Year, welcoming a new energetic cycle with the arrival of Aries season.
Find out what the month ahead has in store for your zodiac sign in the March 2022 horoscopes below!
Get ready for a powerful month, Aries! The beginning of the month has an introverted tone for you, as the planets are activating your sector of imagination and the subconscious mind. So many ideas are brewing under the surface, so make sure to take note of them, especially around the March 2 and March 31 new moons.
When the Sun enters your sign on March 20, you’re bound to feel an injection of energy running through your veins. This is when all the learnings from the previous months will begin to manifest in the form of ambitious power moves. Remember that intuition is a theme for you this year, so don’t make any impulsive decisions without consulting it—especially around March 24. This is when your ruler, Mars, clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. On March 27, Mercury enters your sign, heightening your intelligence and eloquence.
The entire month is a fabulous time to focus on career ambitions, as Venus and Mars will likely increase your thirst for success. You’re a hard-working zodiac sign, but know that this month holds special opportunities when you network. Under this special astro-weather, connecting with a mentor or coach could be the answer to elevating your footprint over the next few months.
The energy peaks at the March 18 full moon in Virgo, when you could be receiving unexpected news about money or a career project. Remember to go with the flow, Taurus! When the Sun and Mercury enter Aries on March 20 and March 27 respectively, your vibe becomes more introspective. You will then enter a time of the year in which you benefit from adopting a slower pace and more time to rest.
Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, entered your sign back in early February. You might have already noticed an enhanced need to nourish yourself, which is an energy that will be very active during the entire month. Self-care and eating well, as well as sharing your ideas and listening to others’ ideas become the norm.
On March 9, your ruler, Mercury, takes a deep dive in the waters of Pisces. This move will most likely make you feel foggy and a bit more distracted than usual. The good news is that it will also provide you with inspiration as it makes beautiful connections with other planets between March 17 and March 20. The March 18 full moon might bring tension between your home and public life, when prioritizing your family might be hard but the best road to take.
Pisces season is always good for you, but this will be one for the books, dear Cancer. You’re a private creature, but you’re learning how absorbing new things is expanding your world at a rapid speed. You’re feeling more optimistic about life and know that big things are on the horizon. Around the March 2 new moon, set the intention to open your mind and heart to new opportunities and new people. By the time the March 18 full moon arrives, you could be impressed with the progress you’ve already made.
Once the March 20 Spring Equinox arrives, the focus turns toward your career and public visibility. You’re one of the most tenacious signs, so don’t hesitate to strategize your next power moves. For the next four weeks, the universe will be supporting your success.
During February, you invested a lot of your energy in one-on-one connections—whether that translates into a romantic or business connection. And in early March, you’re bound to bear the fruits of all your labor, as Venus and Mars get hot and heavy on March 6. If you have a partner, make sure to be doing the same around this time.
Your planetary ruler, the Sun, is also up to some amazing cosmic shenanigans this month, bringing opportunities to shine, grow, and self-actualize. Mark March 5, March 13, and March 18 as your power days for this month—and go for the gold! Once the Sun enters fire pal Aries, your focus turns outward, when your heart will be craving fun and adventure. The last few days of the month are ideal for taking a break from the daily grind.
We hope you enjoyed February’s hot vibes, Virgo—because they get even hotter in March! You have some of the most amazing astrological aspects in your sector of partnership, and trust us when we say that they will not be repeating. If you’re in a serious relationship, serious talk is bound to find you two around mid-month. If you’re considering asking someone on a date, March 20 and March 23 look pretty fortunate as your ruler Mercury delivers magical love letters.
This month’s full moon brings the energy to a climax. You could be feeling quite emotional during this time—when tears of joy could be coming out of you left and right. Since it’s happening in your sign, you might be craving some attention during this time too. Go ahead and grab what’s yours, Virgo!
A fabulous month is in store for you, Libra. Venus, your planetary ruler, will be traveling with Mars all month long. This rare astrological influence could translate into a new love interest, the reassurance of an already existing bond, or even a marriage proposal! If love isn’t your jam right now, it could also mean more money or the overflow of your creative juices. The point is: Whatever you want to manifest this month—it can be yours!
Expect one or two surprises under the March 18 full moon, when going with the flow can be more fun than anticipated. You will most likely feel a shift once the Sun enters Aries, as it will activate your sector of one-on-one connections. While this energy could feel intense at first, it brings the opportunity to face your fears when it comes to partnerships—of both the romantic and business varieties.
You love the energy of watery pal Pisces, so you’re beginning the month on a high note, Scorpio. The March 2 new moon is an ideal time to plant the seed of a creative project that could take root over the next six months. Your rulers, Mars and Pluto, will be aligned in the sky, building up fire and ambition within you. As an extremely intuitive sign, you could have major inspirational downloads between March 5 and March 13. Leave some space to meditate and sit in silence to capture all the inspiration the universe will be sending your way around this time.
The March 18 full moon is a fabulous time to showcase your talents to people and organizations who might find you exciting and alluring. The main purpose of this lunation is to work on creating a bigger sense of community around your interests or the work you do.
For you, Sagittarius, home is where the heart is—at least during the time the Sun is in Pisces (until March 18), which rules your sector of home and family. This is a major theme for you in 2022, so don’t miss out on planting the seed that will help you create the nest of your dreams.
Once the March 18 full moon rises in the sky, it will be time to turn more of your energy and attention toward your career. You could suddenly be called to work on an important pitch or project, so make sure to put your best foot forward around this time. When the Sun enters fire sign pal Aries on the March 20 Spring Equinox, the cosmos will encourage you to focus more of your time on one of your absolute favorite things: having fun!
After so much cosmic activity in your sign in January and February, March brings you the chance to slow down, Capricorn. The first two weeks of March are ideal to put some time off on your calendar and replenish your energy. That being said, communication is bound to keep you busy this month, as the planets will be activating the sector of your chart that rules messages, editing, speaking, thinking, and reading.
For you, the March 18 full moon is what dreams are made of. During this time, the Sun will send shiny beams to Pluto in your sign, enhancing your ambition and magnetism. You have come a long way, Capricorn, and this powerful lunation is not only bearing the fruit of your labor—it illuminates the way toward more growth and future transformation.
You kick off the month with a gorgeous Venus-Mars conjunction in your sign on March 5-6, bringing a new beginning for you in romance. Your sexual drive is bound to increase, making this a great time to focus on your partner, or putting yourself out there if single. You also welcome March with eloquent Mercury in your sign, giving you the gift of gab. If you’ve been working on a project, the planet of commerce and thought process elevates your analytical and communication abilities until March 9.
But if there was going to be a winning theme for you in March, it would be money and finances. The Sun will be activating big hitters Jupiter and Neptune in your second house of income from March 5 to March 13, bringing fresh new ideas your way that could eventually become quite profitable. By the time the March 18 full moon arrives, a financial turning point could be in the cards.
Happy birthday, Pisces! March is set to be one of your best months to date, but it’s key that you use the energy to fuel you into action. Have you been flirting with a new idea or direction? Use the March 2 new moon to plant the seed! Happening in your sign, this lunation radiates flashes of insight and inspiration your way. Be open to the signals around this time, as they hold special guidance that could be crucial for your future. Whatever you begin now could develop over the next twelve years—no pressure!
The days between March 5 and March 13 are incredible days to follow through on the insights and downloads you received. The Sun will meet with Jupiter and Neptune, your two planetary rulers, illuminating your sign’s creative brilliance. Together, these planets are the epitome of romance, bringing a golden opportunity to meet someone new, or take a relationship to the next level.

Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, and writer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.
She currently serves as the Senior Astrologer of Astrology.com & Horoscope.com, and her work has been featured in numerous lifestyle publications like Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, Pop Sugar, Women’s Health, Romper, and more. She was also featured as one of Medium.com’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.
In her private astrology practice, Narayana’s holistic approach seeks to create a positive impact by connecting each one of her clients to the uniqueness of their chart and illuminate their path towards the ultimate state of self-empowerment and self-discovery.
In her artistic process, she is inspired by the richness of the cosmos as she channels the vibe of what is happening in the sky at certain times in the form of colorful palettes, shapes, and textures.
When she’s not blogging or painting about astrology, Narayana enjoys live music, traveling, hiking, sailing, and immersing herself in underground art scenes.