JEE Main Admit Card 2022: NTA will release JEE Main 2022 admit card on its official website (jeemain.nta.nic.in.) for the April session. In order to carry the exam, JEE Main 2022 hall ticket is the most important document that the candidates must carry. Since the JEE Main 2022 is taking place in four sessions, hence the admit card is also available as per the session. One can download the admit card through the official site of JEE Main. In the process of downloading the JEE Main hall ticket, candidates required registration no. and password/D.O.B
Check Eligibility For NTA JEE Main Exam
We advise the candidates to take multiple copies of the printout of JEE Main admit card for future reference. The hall ticket carries complete details of the exam and the hall ticket.
Highlights Of JEE Main Admit Card 2022
Particulars | Details |
Conducting body | National testing agency |
official website | jeemain.nta.nic.in |
login credentials for downloading the hall ticket | jee main application number date of birth/password |
documents to carry on the exam day | hall ticket, valid photo identity proof, one filled copy of undertaking and one online submitted copy of undertaking. |
helpline numbers | Contact No.- 8287471852, 8178359845, 9650173668, 9599676953 and 8882356803
E-mail ID- [email protected] |
JEE Main Admit Card 2022 Dates
Candidates appearing for the JEE Main 2022 exam, must be aware of the important dates relating to the admit card. This is so that they don’t miss any updates regarding the hall ticket. Look at the dates regarding the JEE Main 2022 hall ticket.
Events |
Dates |
April | May | |
Admit Card Release Date | To be announced | To be announced |
Exam Date | To be announced | To be announced |
JEE Main 2022 Admit Card Important Facts
- Candidates need to have the Application no., and password OR application no. and D.O.B
- After releasing the JEE Main 2022 admit card, NTA provides the chance to change the exam city. An option is given for requesting the change in examination city
- Students will have to log in to their candidate portal using their login credentials and use the option of query redressal system to request a change in examination city.
Self-Declaration Details Before Downloading JEE Main Admit Card 2022
Before downloading the admit card, the candidates have to fill a self-declaration form. In the jee main undertaking form, the applicants have to enter the following details-
- Recent travel history
- Health status of the candidate- like if they have suffered from any flu, cough, fever, sore throat etc. in the last 14 days.
The declaration form has to be filled in advance, before reaching the exam centre except for the candidate’s signature page.
JEE Main Covid-19 Instructions
Before reaching the exam centre, the applicants have to enter the required details in the self-declaration/undertaking form. The candidate must write in their own handwriting. Also, they must ensure that their left-hand thumb impression is clear and not smudged.
The Admit Card of JEE Main consists of four pages. Candidates must make sure that they download all four pages correctly. However, it is not mandatory to carry all the pages to the centre. Even if you carry all four pages to the exam, they will ask you to drop the papers at the entrance gate.
JEE Main Admit Card Page-I | Contains all the Exam Center Details and Self-Declaration (Undertaking) form regarding COVID-19 |
NTA JEE Main Admit Card Page-II | Important Instructions for the Candidates |
Page-III Detail | Advisory for Candidates regarding COVD-19 |
Page-IV Details |
- Candidates are advised to carry the required documents and items (mentioned below) to the JEE Main Exam Center. No candidate is allowed to enter the centre without proper frisking and documents.
- The candidate is checked thoroughly with the help of a Handheld Metal Detector without touching the body.
- The gap between the two seats is maintained as per the Government of India (GOI) Guidelines.
- Hand Sanitizer is available at the entry and inside the exam venue at various places for candidates and centre staff to use.
- Candidates have to maintain a space of at least 6 feet from each other. Queue Manager/Ropes and Floor Marks are arranged outside the centre.
- Three-Ply Masks are offered before the entry. To stop any chances of Unfair Means, the candidate has to wear a fresh mask provided at the centre. The Candidate has to remove the face mask and wear the new one provided at the centre.
How To Download JEE Main Admit Card 2022?
Candidates have to follow a certain procedure in order to download the jeemain.nta.nic.in admit card. The process involves the following process.
- Visit the official site of the JEE Main. (The JEE Main 2022 Admit Card Login will be available at the time of the event)
- A home page will appear in front of the screen which reflects in the image given below
- Candidates will be redirected to a new page as shown in the above image where they have to chose the option to log in to account by
Application No. and Password OR Application No. and Date Of Birth
If candidates choose the “Application no. and Password”
- Candidates have to enter the information in order to login into the account. Enter the application no., password, security pin and click on the Sign In.
- Click on the ” Download Admit Card”
If candidates choose the “Application no. and Date Of Birth”
- Enter the application no., D.O.B, and security pin and click on the “sign-in” button.
- Now locate and click on the “Download the admit card”
- The admit card will reflect like this
What Are The Details Mentioned On JEE Main Feb/March/April/May Admit Card 2022
The list of the details that are mentioned in the admit card are as follows-
- Name of Candidate
- Gender
- Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Father’s Name
- Exam Centre Name
- Timing of Exam
- Category
- State of Eligibility
- Signature of Candidate
- Paper for which appearing
- Application Number
- Exam Centre Address
- Photograph of Candidate
- Candidate’s parent signature
Who To Contact For JEE Main Hall Ticket 2022 Errors?
After downloading the admit card, candidates must check whether the information in the JEE Main hall ticket is correct or not. Verify the details mentioned in the hall ticket as per the details filled in the application form. If any kind of discrepancy is found in the admit card, candidates must immediately contact the concerned authority. This is a serious issue because an error in the admit card will debar the students from giving the exam. So make sure that the admit card contains the correct information. If an error is found in the JEE Main hall ticket 2022 then contact:
Helpline Number – +91-7703859909 ; +91-8076535482
Email ID – [email protected]
The Helpline Number remains active between 10 am to 5 pm.
What Happens If I Forget My Application No. & Password?
Application no. and password are the important information through which candidates can log in to their accounts. Without these candidates won’t be able to access their account and hence won’t be able to download the admit card. If someone forgets their application no. and password then they can retrieve it from the following methods.
How To Retrieve Application No.?
- Visit the login window
- Click on the “I can’t access my account”
- Two options will appear on the screen “I forgot my password and I forgot my application number”
- Select “I forget my application no.” and click on it.
- Candidates have to fill in the following details: Candidate’s Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, State of Eligibility, and the Security Pin.
- If all the information is correct then the application no. will be generated and will be sent to the candidate’s email or contact no.
- Save the details for future reference.
How To Retrieve NTA JEE Main Password?
- Visit the login window
- Click on the “I can’t access my account”
- Two options will appear on the screen “I forgot my password and I forgot my application number”
- Select “I forget my password” and click on it.
- Three options will appear on the screen of which candidates have to select one option. Three options are:
Use the security question and answer you chose during form filling
Or Use verification code sent via text message (SMS) to the registered mobile number
Or Use a reset link sent via email to the registered Email ID
- A link will be available to reset the password
- Reset the password and note it down for future reference.
Documents Needed At JEE Main 2022 Exam Centre
Mentioned below are the documents that a candidate need to carry to the exam centre of JEE Main 2022:
- Printout of jeemain.nic.in admit, card (Really Important) wth a Self-Declaration Form (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA website. The printout must be taken on an A4 Size Paper duly filed in.
- One passport size photograph has to be pasted on the attendance sheet at the exam centre. Please note the photograph should be identical to the one uploaded during filling out the application form
- Candidates belonging to the PwD category will have to carry a copy of the PwD certificate in the prescribed format.
- A valid Photo ID Proof in ORIGINAL (PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/E- Aadhaar/Ration Card/12th Class Board Admit Card with photograph/ Bank Passbook with Photograph). Please note that ID Cards issued by Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/ Coaching Centres, AADHAR enrollment receipt without AADHAR NUMBER and PHOTOCOPIES OR Images Stored in mobile phones, etc will NOT be accepted.
- A Transparent Ball Point Pen.
- Personal Hand Sanitizer (50 ml) depending on the COVID-19 Situations.
- Personal Transparent Water Bottle
- B.Arch students who are appearing drawing test must bring their own geometry set, pencils, erasers, colour pencils and crayons. Using watercolour is prohibited.
Documents to be carried by PWD candidates along with the admit card
Students who are physically disabled have to carry the following documents and follow the steps below-
- The PWD candidate must carry their PWD certificate along with the hall ticket of jee main.
- The scribe candidate must also carry their own self-declaration form along with a passport size photograph, valid photo identity proof.
- The candidate must bring their own scribe for writing the exam.
What Not To Carry At JEE Main 2022 Examination Hall?
NTA is very strict when it comes to what to carry and what not to carry items in the exam hall. Above documents required to have to carry the exam. But there are lots of things which are prohibited in the examination hall. Items not allowed in the exam hall are:
- Handbag, Purse
- Electronic gadget/ device, Calculator
- Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box
- Any metallic item
- Eatables/ snacks and Tea/coffee/ cold drinks/ Water (loose or packed)
- Any kind of Paper/ Stationery
- Camera, Tape Recorder
- Mobile Phone/ Earphone/ Microphone/Pager
Special Allowances To Diabetic Students
In terms of a medical condition, candidates will be allowed to have certain items in the examination hall. A certain concession is given to diabetic students due to health concerns. Items are:
- Fruits (like banana/apple/orange)
- Sugar tablets
- Transparent water bottle
Note: They will not be allowed to carry packed foods like chocolate/candy/sandwiches etc.
NTA JEE Main 2022 Schedule
Candidates appearing for the JEE Main 2022 must check the schedule on the day of the examination.
Events | First Shift | Second Shift |
Timing of Exam | 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM | 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm |
Duration of Exam | 3 Hours | 3 Hours |
Entry in the Exam Hall/Frisking/Biometric Registration/Record of Manual Attendance/Document Verification/Cross Checking of Admit Card/Signature and Photo-Match by Invigilator | 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM | 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm |
Instructions by Invigilator | 8:30 am to 8:50 am | 2:30 to 2:50 pm |
Candidates log in to Read Instructions | 8:50 am | 2:50 pm |
Test Starts | 09:00 AM | 3:00 PM |
Test Concludes | 12:00 PM | 6:00 PM |
JEE Main 2022 Exam Day Guidelines
- Check the guidelines and information indicated on the admit card:
- Reporting Time at Centre
- Gate Closing time of Centre
- Date of Examination
- Shift and Timings of Test
- Venue of Test
- Visit the examination centre a day before the examination
- Carry all the documents required
- Avoid the prohibited items otherwise, you won’t be allowed to sit for the examination.
- Pen/ Pencil and blank paper sheets for rough work will be provided in the examination hall/ room. Write the name and Roll Number at the top of the sheet and must return the sheets and admit card to the Invigilator, before leaving the Examination Hall/Room.
- In the Attendance Sheet candidates must put their signature, Left Hand Thumb Impression, and paste the Photograph at the appropriate place. The thumb Impression should clear and not smudged.
- No Candidate should adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfair examination practices as the examination centres are under surveillance of CCTV and equipped with Jammers.
- The candidate should also go through all Instructions given in the Admit Card and the Information Bulletin. If at any stage, it is found that any candidate has submitted multiple Applications and /or appeared in more than one date/shift, his/her candidature will be cancelled and legal action will be taken including debarring in all future examinations conducted by NTA.
- Diabetic students can carry eatables like sugar tablets, fruits, and water bottles inside the exam hall. However, they cannot carry packed food. Report at the allocated test centre only candidates will not be allowed to enter OR leave the examination hall once the exam starts and before the test ends.
So, these are the complete details regarding the JEE Mains 2022 admit card. If you have any questions, then please comment below.