This past week, I’ve spent a lot of time working on our home. It feels *SO* good to be close to completion and to start using our rooms normally again.
It’s cool how exciting regular life is after six months of renovation tarps and drywall dust. We’ve been painting with the kids, playing endless games of tic-tac-toe and having dinner in our dining room again. Magical!

1. Are you all into these bust vases? I love them!
2. This cardigan is my favorite Target find in YEARS. It’s my perfect dream cardigan!
3. I got one of these tiny primrose mirrors for my bathroom and it’s adorable! Also, did you see the adorable frame version?
4. I love a gold ring stack.
5. I got this same swimsuit last year (in a different color) and it’s my favorite classic one piece. Love the fit!
6. This is my favorite and the best smelling face mask of all time.
7. I ordered this home gel nail kit and I am so excited to try it out. The reviews are really good.
8. This one is for my Halloween-year-round team.
9. I don’t get super into Easter decor, but this wreath is cute!
10. Did you know you can get frame TV art on Etsy. I love this one!
xo, Elsie