For months, Khloe Kardashian has put on a brave face about Tristan Thompson cheating on her so many times.
Fans suspect (and hope) that him fathering a child with a side piece will make this breakup truly final.
That doesn’t mean that people don’t want Khloe to be happy. Quite the opposite.
Khloe is getting there, openly speaking about wanting to find happiness and peace of mind after all of this.
Tuesday was a day like any other … except for various world events, and except for the day.
The 22 of February in the year 2022 of the Common Era, the date was written 2/22/22 (or 22/2/22 in Europe).
While very few assigned spiritual significance to the fun calendrical quirk, a few felt that it was an auspicious day. Khloe was one of them.
Taking to her Instagram Story, Khloe shared an aspirational message.
“22.2.22 Manifesting happiness and peace of mind,” read a quote that Khloe shared.
Another claimed: “22-2-22 this is the last palindrome we will experience in our lives.”

This second message added: “May this day bring unexpected joy and miracles to everyone, may God bring you blessings in twos!”
While claiming that this is the last palindrome date that we will experience is quitter talk, it’s a nice enough message.
But Khloe’s choice in what she would like to “manifest” in the first message is what caught people’s attention.
Only Khloe herself is qualified to tell us how exactly she has been feeling.
But one has to imagine that she has been struggling with unhappiness, both short-term and long-term.
She has had reason to.
In the short term, it is humiliating to be repeatedly and publicly cheated upon by the man you love.
Taking him back, only to be cheated on again, creates a cycle in which each scandal is even more agonizing.
She must have felt like the only one who was surprised by each new betrayal — and perhaps that was the case.
In the long term, Khloe had grand ambitions for her family after finally becoming a mother to precious little True.
True, who will turn four years old in just a month and a half, has two parents: Khloe and Tristan.
It was Khloe’s aspiration that she and Tristan would raise their daughter together, as partners, rather than as co-parenting experts.
Then, of course, comes Khloe’s wish for peace of mind.
We could all use a little of that, given various events — both in various states in our country and as a fallen superpower invades a sovereign neighbor.
But peace of mind may come to Khloe, personally, when she has a clearer picture of what the rest of True’s childhood will look like.
After all, Tristan slinging his dong left and right has done more than just leave Khloe heartbroken and embarrassed.
All of that pipe-laying has borne fruit.
True has two half-siblings (that we know of). In the back of her mind, is Khloe wondering how many more siblings her daughter will end up having?
We hope that Khloe finds the happiness and peace of mind that she seeks, in a long-term way.
We would love for her to love herself and her true appearance as much as others do, and not try to distort her image.
And we hope that her next partner has many good qualities … including loyalty.