While February is the shortest month in the year, it’s always felt like one of the longest (and I know I’m far from alone in this perspective). Time seems to slow, especially here in Minnesota, where the cold, dark days can make life feel like an endless slog at times. This pace hasn’t always felt natural for me, a person who has, historically, tended to flit from one thing to the next—always thinking, always moving, always doing—regardless of what my mind and body actually needed.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to meet myself (and others) where I’m at—to eat when I’m hungry, sleep when I’m tired, pause when I’m overwhelmed. The same perspective could be applied to the seasons. If February feels like the slowest month of them all, why not lean into its rhythm? Why not allow yourself to rest when nature rests?
There are, of course, scenarios when the thinking and the moving and the doing is a necessity. There will always be certain demands on our attention we can’t ignore. But, even for the busiest among us, there is still space for a pause, a rest, a moment or two—no matter how brief—to simply be.
As we enter the month of February, I invite you to think about what it means for you to slow down.
What has your relationship with slowing down been in the past? What upsides have you experienced from a slower pace of life? How do you seek out that sense of respite now?
This month, what if we allowed ourselves to indulge in the flow of the slow season? What if we did nothing more often, moved with more intention, multitasked less, and monotasked more? We might be surprised by how much of a transformation it could bring.
What if we did nothing more often, moved with more intention, multitasked less, and monotasked more? We might be surprised by how much of a transformation it could bring.
This February, our contributors will be writing about simple, slow practices that bring clarity, how to support a friend who’s going through a rough patch, and meaningful ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day (no matter your relationship status). I’ll be exploring some of the surprising benefits I’ve seen from slowing down in my own life. I’ll also be sharing a look at what I love (and what I might change) about our blue library, plus a review of my favorite pillows for side sleepers, a post I’ve been working on for several months. Stay tuned for this and plenty more throughout the month ahead!
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Kate is currently learning to play the Ukulele, much to the despair of her husband, kids, and dogs. Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_.