Home Life Style My Favorite Bed Pillows for a Good Night’s Sleep

My Favorite Bed Pillows for a Good Night’s Sleep


This post is nearly four months in the making. It all started with back pain, along with the fact that I wasn’t particularly fond of any of the pillows I’d used before. While I knew a pillow was not going to alleviate all of my body’s aches, I’d heard from my chiropractor that your sleep comfort can have a big impact on how you feel throughout the day. I figured a pillow swap was worth a try. Since November, I’ve spent plenty of time testing out five different pillows.

Let’s start with some context on what I was searching for in a pillow.

In terms of my previous pillows, none of the ones I’d used offered enough support over time. While they may have felt supportive for a month or so, they tended to eventually go somewhat flat. I always found myself bunching them up and putting my arm underneath to get more lift. As you can imagine, this does not lead to the best position in which to sleep. I was looking for a pillow that offered enough support for the space between my neck and shoulder so I wouldn’t need to use my arm to create the height I wanted.

When it came to sleep position, I’d always been a tried and true side sleeper, but I would constantly switch from side to side because I would get uncomfortable throughout the night. I now sleep a lot more on my back than I used to (and occasionally on my stomach). This is actually what has improved my sleep habits the most. I’ve learned that back sleeping is preferred for me personally because my shoulders aren’t rounded, so I’m alleviating the specific back pain issues that are made worse by sleeping in a hunched position on my side. This sleep shift (partially made possible by a pillow swap), along with regular stretching and massage, has helped minimize my back pain. 

While considering which pillow or sleep position may be right for you, please keep in mind that all of our bodies and needs differ. This article offers a lot of great insights about the benefits and drawbacks of different sleep positions (and how pillows play a role) and is a good starting point for more information.

I have a lot of thoughts about the five pillows I tested. Below, I’m offering guidance that I hope helps you find your own elusive “perfect” pillow and leads to a better night’s sleep. 


Original Casper Pillow

This pillow from Casper was my favorite from the get-go. It was also the reason I waited so long to create this post, since I wanted to see if it held up over time. I have had pillows go flat on me within the first couple of months. After nearly four months of use, this one has the same bounce and density it had right out of the box. 

I purchased a double pack of the king pillow size in the mid-loft height. What I like about this pillow is that it supports my neck all while being lightweight and easy to move around. For people who move a lot at night, this type of agility is important. It also has enough spring to it that it offers a cozy “soft” feeling without a lack of support. I get why this was recommended to me by so many side sleepers.

However, in my opinion, this pillow is NOT for someone who likes to sleep on their stomach. It just won’t get flat enough no matter how often you punch it down. For this reason, it was not Joe’s favorite (he’s a tried and true stomach sleeper).


NIGHT Pillow

I must disclaim that this pillow from NIGHT was the only one I did not purchase (it was gifted to me by NIGHT). It was first recommended to me by @themakerista. As it turns out, this is the pillow I didn’t know I was looking for.

It is soft but still supportive and the silk fabric is delightful. It’s also a pillow that helped me learn to sleep on my back. I found myself reaching for this one throughout the past couple of months as I started to change my sleep position from my side to my back. It is GREAT for stomach sleepers as well, especially because the silk pillowcase won’t leave creases on your face. While I’m not using this pillow on our bed right now, it’s still one of my favorites.


Avocado Green Pillow

If you’re really picky about getting the amount of stuffing just right, this Avocado pillow is the route to go. My kids have Avocado pillows and during one of my bed swaps with our daughter, I found myself waking up refreshed, despite having slept in her bed and not my own.

These pillows come well stuffed but you could remove ⅓-½ of the stuffing if you sleep on your stomach and are seeking a flatter pillow. I think they are a bit dense and heavy for my liking on a nightly basis. Yet I don’t wake up much when sleeping on them, which says a lot.


Coop Premium Eden Pillow

In my opinion, this pillow from Coop is fine, although it happens to be Joe’s favorite. It did smell a little when I opened it, and while it does offer the option of adjustable stuffing, I found it required a lot of tweaking to get the right stuffing amount. I personally would go with Avocado before Coop. I think the materials inside are better and they’ve held up better over time than our Coop pillows.


WonderSleep Comfort Memory Foam Pillow

Truth be told, I hated this pillow. Its weight was SO HEAVY, it felt like moving a body in the middle of the night. It also had a bit of a scent when it arrived. I tried it for two nights and slept terribly. 

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