Last year we were fortunate to be able to bring the omni-wonderful Manuel Gonzalez onboard as one of our contributing editors, and this, Issue #282, is the first that he has acquired and edited for us. With that in mind, I’m turning the reins over to Manuel to make the introductions. Take it away, Manuel! — PR
One Story is extremely pleased to bring you the creepy, unsettling debut story by the über-talented Puloma Ghosh. A perfect read for fall and the oncoming mood of winter, “K” (set on a small, snow-covered, unnamed liberal arts campus in the northeast), features a young woman, Kara, who finds herself sharing a dorm-room with the ghost of a student who disappeared from the same campus some winters ago.
A self-proclaimed liar, an outsider, an orphan, Kara soon realizes that her only true connection might be to the ghostly specter of K who leaves her imprint on the otherwise empty twin bed once occupied by Kara’s roommate. So it should be no surprise that Kara hunts the campus and interrogates her classmates for more information about who K had been, what might have happened to her.
Blending gorgeous prose with a chilling and unsettling sensibility, Ghosh creates an eerie and magical story perfect for the season. We’re happy to welcome you into the stunning mystery of “K.”
To read an interview with the author, please visit our website.