“This deck of Boom Cards™ contains 19 cards to target sentence building / sentence formulation. It uses a sentence strip and incorporates principles of AAC.”
“This Boom Cards deck is great for teaching social language skills that can be used in school scenarios. Aside from targeting inferencing, predicting, perspective taking, and emotions, it also allows the students to practice self-advocacy.”
“Don’t just teach students about fossils and their formation, explore them and experience fossils in 360, VR, and more with a Virtual Field Trip! No prep needed, explore fossils in museums, watch videos of how they are made, and use ready to go activity pages to guide student learning as they explore.”
“Rock the way you teach the Rock Cycle and Geology with this ready to go Virtual Field Trip Bundle. Explore all about rocks, fossils, and gemstones in 360, VR, with videos, readings, and links and lots of no-prep activities to guide learning as students explore.”
“Great for beginners to develop money skills. Students will count pennies to develop functional 1-1 correspondence. Great way for students to practice basic money math!”
“This Fast Food Comparison Worksheet allows students to analyze their real world habits and learn ways to make healthier choices. This worksheet can be utilized by a variety of courses and provides teacher instructions that help modify the activity for any group of students.”
“Career preparation is an important piece to secondary education and these Career Writing Prompts are a great tool for students. These can be used in ANY course and teachers can use them in short writing assignments like bellringers or expand them into essay topics.”
“The free digital lessons in this resource include an exploration of what it means to be an entrepreneur: what an entrepreneur does, what he/she acts like, values, and achieves. These lessons will give students an overview of what it means to start, run, and own a business—the risks, rewards, needs, and expectations.”
“With this resource, you now have access to a revolutionary business manager classroom job strategy that will transform your classroom in a positive and bustling business environment. These specific REAL WORLD and work-based classroom jobs make a lasting impression on the students and they experience LIFE SKILLS that will prepare them for a successful career.”
“EVERYONE can benefit from improving these skills! Employability (aka soft skills or transferable skills) will help someone no matter what job they have. They include: ability to work well with others, ability to problem solve, manage time, and actively listen, just to name a few.”
“The Employability Skills Tracker is all about increasing the growth of these skills by assessing and monitoring them throughout the course. It has rubrics, charts, and inspirational quotes related to each of the 15 skills. By having students monitor their own progress after class activities and other experiences, they are more likely to improve them!”
“These slides are perfect for morning meetings for students who are learning in the classroom or virtually. The questions on these cards support conversation between students and will help children get to know each other better.”
“This bundle of social emotional learning resources helps students learn, understand and practice a variety of important social skills. Topics like, texting/emails, flexible thinking, emotional regulation and self-esteem are all covered within this bundle because they are essential for adolescent growth and development.”